C is for Clairs

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We all have them—the clairs—they’re innate. The French word “clair” means “clear.” It’s the root word for each of the Clairs:

Clairvoyance (clear seeing) is seeing an image in our mind’s eye. It can be in motion, like a movie; or it can be still, like a photograph. It can occur when we’re awake, or asleep, eyes open or closed. The image can be figurative or literal.

Clairaudience (clear hearing) is receiving or “hearing” messages in thought form, with our “mental ears.” The source attributed to these messages is often one’s soul, higher self, angels, or deceased loved ones.  It can also be an actual sound or literal voice that we hear with our physical ears.

Claircognizance (clear knowing) is knowing something for a fact without any supporting evidence. Most of us have walked into a room where the atmosphere is so thick with tension we could choke on it. We don’t know what is going on, but we know for certain that it’s not good. Our knowing—gut instinct in our head—has kicked into high gear.

Clairsentience (clear feeling) is feeling a literal sensation such as a chill when there’s no change in temperature, or a perceived sensation such as the touch of a hand when we’re alone. It can even be a smell when there’s no reason for it.

Some people disregard their clairs, while others are intentionally aware. Which of the clairs are you most sensitive to?

Listen with your heart,

Laurie Buchanan

Whatever you are not changing, you are choosing.”
               – Laurie Buchanan


© 2010 Laurie Buchanan – All Rights Reserved.

INDIGO – Boost Your Insight!

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For those of you who are just joining us, welcome to the University of Life. In the previous “classes” we laid the groundwork for this course—The Color of Wellness, and looked at the therapeutic properties of the colors red, orange, yellow, green and blue. Today’s palette features the color Indigo.Indigo is associated with self-reflection, intuition, and intellectual wellness. It enhances imagination, and understanding. Indigo is a combination of deep blue and violet and holds the attributes of both these colors. It’s the color of ripe blueberries. Think of a deep blue midnight sky, the plumage of male indigo buntings in the summer, or a bottomless mountain lake.

The positive properties of indigo are expressed as visionary, wise, inspired, deep, intuitive, empathetic, broadminded, and sensible perspective.

The negative properties of indigo are described as fearful, arrogant, deluded, isolated, and over idealistic.

The healing properties of indigo are sedative and can address physical symptoms such as hearing, sight, sinus issues, nerves, insomnia, and negative states of mind that include paranoia, over-sensitivity, obsession, and hysteria.

When you need a boost in the areas of intuition and self-reflection, indulge yourself with this color. The frequency of indigo stimulates the brow chakra; also known as the third-eye center. It enhances our sense of knowing and helps us to better understand the big picture; to see clearly.

Are you drawn to pure indigo? It calls to mind the emotions of the sea; promoting responsibility and trust in personal intuition. Or do you prefer the noble shaded tones that exude deep thought, contemplation, inner calm and balance? The frequency of indigo enhances our ability to see things from a higher viewpoint rather than from ego, personal satisfaction or material comfort.

What we do with our physical environment—our personal space—speaks to our heart and helps us to flourish. Buy a piece of indigo clothing. Add a splash of indigo to your décor with flowers, pillows, a candle or a throw. Set the stage for nighttime dreams by painting the ceiling in your bedroom indigo. Or take advantage of the healing frequency of indigo crystals such as lapis lazuli, sodalite, or sapphire.

A special thank you to Joseph’s Market for allowing me to take photographs in their produce department.

Listen with your heart,

Laurie Buchanan

Whatever you are not changing, you are choosing.”
               – Laurie Buchanan


Copyright © 2010 Laurie Buchanan — All Rights ReservedNo part of this blog post may be used in part, or in whole, without written permission from Laurie Buchanan.

Emerald Eyes, Isles, and Stones

Raw Emerald

One of my friends, Donna Jill Witty, recently returned from North Carolina where part of her time was spent gem mining near Ashville. Much to my surprise and delight, she gifted me with three raw pieces: emerald, sapphire, and citrine. Since green is my favorite color, emerald is the gemstone that I chose to highlight in this post.

But first, please follow this LINK so that I can introduce you to Donna Jill Witty and her amazing artwork. I’m tickled to share that she was featured in the current (summer 2010) edition of the American Artist Watercolor magazine. The article, Mixing Careful Planning with Spontaneity, starts on page 42.

The frequency of Emerald is said to enhance harmony, joy, cleansing, abundance, clairvoyance, memory, and faith. It provides inspiration and helps those in need of balance, healing, and infinite patience. It also benefits intuition, intellect, communication, decision-making, and promotes truthfulness and honesty. It motivates the possessor to give love and wisdom to others. Emerald is used to enhance intuitive awareness and to bring forth manifestation. It’s a stone of protection and is associated with the heart chakra.

Listen with your heart,

Laurie Buchanan

Whatever you are not changing, you are choosing.”
               – Laurie Buchanan

Copyright © 2010 Laurie Buchanan — All Rights Reserved.