Cover Reveal!

The bride, the groom, the toast, the explosion…
What should be a joyous occasion turns lethal.

In the village of Fairhaven—nestled between Washington state’s Bellingham Bay and the Cascade Mountains, home to writers’ retreat Pines & Quill—friends and family have gathered for the union of Sean McPherson and Emma Benton. Sean has been working with the FBI and local police to help solve crimes, particularly murders bearing the mark of crime boss Georgio “The Bull” Gambino. Emma, who has just learned to walk again, has begun to feel at home and hopes to one day raise a family.

But just as the festivities begin and corks fly, an explosion shatters everything, killing one and injuring others. From Bellingham to San Francisco and New Orleans, the chase is on to discover who’s dead set on ensuring the newlyweds don’t live happily ever after.

The writers currently in residence at Pines & Quill include a vineyard owner, a Bryn Mawr College professor, a special education teacher accompanied by her seeing-eye dog, and an intuitive who can’t—or won’t—identify the killer. Gambino has a knack for finding people in even the most inaccessible places to do his bidding. Could one of the writers be on his payroll?​

Book three available April 4, 2023.


Similar yet Different

If you’re a fan of reading books with white-knuckle, adrenalin-pumping storylines, you might be under the impression that some of those genre category titles are interchangeable. Interestingly, they’re similar yet different:

THRILLER — The s/hero must thwart an enemy’s plans rather than uncover a crime that has already happened. 

MYSTERY — The reader doesn’t know “who done it” until the end.

SUSPENSE — The reader knows “who done it,” but the book’s characters don’t find out until the end.

PSYCHOLOGICAL THRILLER — The main character usually experiences a “dissolving sense of reality.”

CRIME — The focus of the storyline is on a criminal who must be apprehended.

POLICE PROCEDURAL — The emphasis is on the procedures used by law enforcement to solve the crime.

My publisher categorized my next book, Indelible: A Sean McPherson Novel, Book One, in the following three genres:

Advance Praise for Indelible
“Buchanan’s narrative is well-paced, flying right along. . . . the author has delivered an exciting beginning to an intriguing series.” —KIRKUS REVIEWS

SERIAL KILLER THRILLER — The s/hero must thwart a serial killer’s plans and possibly uncover previous crimes during their current quest.

PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR MYSTERY — The reader and the PI see many of the puzzle’s pieces, but the full “picture on the box” isn’t revealed until the end.

SUSPENSE THRILLER — A exhilarating one-two punch that combines the reader’s knowledge of “who done it,” with the un-knowing s/hero’s efforts to thwart the antagonist’s plans.

What’s your favorite book genre?

Indelible: A Sean McPherson Novel, Book One
Release Date: April 6, 2021


What Gives Me the Write?

I have many rights, for which I’m incredibly grateful. 

But I have fewer writes. For me, they’re a little harder to come by because my muse isn’t always available.

I love my little writing studio!

What helps, encourages, and gives me the ability to write? My muse—clutter-free space and stone-cold silence. 

If there’s clutter? Fuhgeddaboudit!
If there’s noise? Fuhgeddaboudit!

What’s your muse?


Blackbird Writers

Every now and then, someone poses a question that stops me in my tracks and makes me really think.

Such was the case when my friend and writing mentor, Christine DeSmet—author of The Fudge Shop Mystery Series—posed this question on the Blackbird Writers website: “What skill shaped your life?”

After thinking about it, the answer is reading. It holds the number one spot in the list of skills that have shaped my life. Numbers two and three are observing details and listening between the lines.

What is the Blackbird Writers website?
I’m glad you asked!

If you’re a fan of thrillers, suspense, or mystery novels, you’ll want to hang out with the Blackbird Writers—a group for discerning readers, talented authors, and suspenseful books. Our nest is your nest!

Earlier this year, a group of writers in these genres, decided to collaborate and form the Blackbird Writers. Each week a different author offers new perspectives on the Blackbird blog. Check out our latest blog and subscribe to our quarterly newsletter HERE.

We also have fantastic social media sites where you can engage in a discussion, get the scoop on new releases, freebies, contests, and more.

Follow us on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.

What skill shaped your life?



Earlier this year, I received a beautiful glass vase as a thank you gift. It’s perfectly sized for a nosegay, posy, or tussie-mussie — a small flower bouquet. 

Since receiving the vase, I’ve made a point of enjoying a weekly bouquet in my writing studio. I’ve found it to be a boon for self-care, inspiration, and creativity.

My sister reinforced my habit by gifting me with a multi-month gift certificate from Blooms Flower Studio in Boise. Oh, the joy!

What’s your strategy for boosting self-care, inspiration, and creativity?


Details Please

Two weeks ago, I dangled a carrot to entice readers over to my author website for a sneak peek at the cover of my new book, Indelible. The analytics show that 2,200 people visited in the week following that post—many of you asked for more details.

I got the idea for the suspense/thriller series while staying in one of the cabins at Hedgebrook, a writing retreat—where women author change—on Whidbey Island, just off the coast from Seattle, Washington.

Indelible takes place takes place at Pines & Quill (a writing retreat that’s a figment of my imagination) in Fairhaven/Bellingham, Washington (a real location). I took these photographs to give you a sense of location:

If you wrote a suspense/thriller, where would the location be?


Shameless Carrot Dangling

If you haven’t visited my author website in a while, I invite you to take a look. Here’s a LINK.

The carrot I’m shamelessly dangling to get you over there is a small preview of the cover for my next book, a suspense/thriller titled,

Indelible: A Sean McPherson Novel, Book One

What book are you currently reading?


Writers’ Institute 2020

I’m excited to present three sessions at this year’s UW-Madison Writers’ Institute March 26-29. 

Without a doubt, I would not have two award-winning books (and a third book on the way) had it not been for this writing conference. It gave me—and continues to provide—the tools, confidence, and support necessary for publication.

While there, I will be available for thirty-minute WRITE HERE, WRITE NOW sessions where I’ll meet one-on-one with individuals to discuss all things writing.

There’s still time to register:

What is the most recent type of conference that you attended?
