You are Cordially Invited (Feb 22)

Please join Puneet Gupta (@scriptedsagas) and me tomorrow (Thursday, Feb 22) at 8:00 a.m. Mountain Time for a LIVE Instagram conversation.

Registration is free. Here is the link to register, it’s also in my bio:


Cover Reveal!

I’m thrilled to share the cover for Iniquity: A Sean McPherson Novel, Book Four.

When a human trafficking ring kidnaps PI Sean McPherson’s pregnant wife, McPherson learns the lines he’ll cross. Because when a person has it all, they have everything to lose.

Available for preorder now, Iniquity hits the shelves on April 9, 2024.


Indelible Audiobook Available Now

I’m excited to announce that Indelible is now available in AUDIOBOOK format on the following platforms: Chirp, Google Play, Kobo, Libro.FM, OverDrive, and Spotify.

It takes a bit longer for Audible, but it will be available there soon.

The narrator for the series is none other than Rebecca Stern. You can check out her work HERE.

See you at Pines & Quill!


I’m Beyond Thrilled!

I just signed three contracts. I’m not going to share what they’re for just yet. But I’m over the moon with excitement!

The first contract comes to fruition in September. The second, in November. And the third in December.

Newsletter subscribers will be the first to find out what the contracts are for. If you haven’t already signed up, head to Sign up for the newsletter is on the home page.


Thank You!

THANK YOU to Ashley SweeneyVillage Books, and the Washingtonians who came out for the in-person Impervious book launch event in Bellingham, WA—home of the Sean McPherson novels.

While in Bellingham, we hiked around Bellingham Bay and explored its many coves. Pines & Quill, the twenty-acre writing retreat featured in the Sean McPherson novels, is nestled among pines above the bay and next to its ten-acre bluff with a steep, nearly perpendicular front.

Reviews keep books and authors visible.

“Oh my, I love this series and the dog!”

“Impervious is an exhilarating and suspenseful read!”

“I can’t wait for—and dread—book four, Iniquity.”


Live Near Bellingham, Washington?

If you live near Fairhaven/Bellingham, WA, please join me at this IN-PERSON launch event for Impervious: A Sean McPherson Novel, Book #3, at Village Books in Bellingham—home of the Sean McPherson novels.

On Friday, May 19th, at 7:00 p.m., I’ll be in conversation with Ashley Sweeney, award-winning author of Eliza Waite, Answer Creek, and Hardland.

Pre-registration is required on Eventbrite. There are two ticket types:

1) A $5 ticket that acts as a voucher toward the purchase of merchandise on the day of the event.

2) Book/ticket where the purchase of Impervious gets your registration for the event.


I look forward to seeing YOU there!


Into the Wild!

I’m so excited! Today’s the day that Impervious: A Sean McPherson Novel, Book Three, releases into the wild!

“You’ll relish every diabolical twist.”
—The Prairies Book Review

“Never less than heart-pounding, Buchanan knows how to keep the pages turning.”
—Online Book Club

Reviews and word-of-mouth are instrumental in a book’s success. If you enjoy Impervious, please shout it from the mountaintops.

If you’re not a shouter, please consider posting a review on Amazon (LINK). You don’t have to purchase the book from them to post a review there. People who buy books elsewhere, receive them as gifts, or check them out from the library can still post reviews on Amazon. Thank you!


You are Cordially Invited

VIRTUAL EVENT—Please join us ONLINE from ANY location!

I’m thrilled to invite you to a virtual launch event for Impervious: A Sean McPherson Novel, Book Three. Hosted by my hometown bookstore, Rediscovered Books, this event is on Friday, April 21st at:

5:00 pm Pacific Time
6:00 pm Mountain Time
7:00 pm Central Time
8:00 pm Eastern Time

I’m excited to be in conversation with Christine DeSmet—a writing coach (mine for over ten years), novelist, screenwriter, short story writer, playwright, and speaker/workshop leader. A prolific writer, Christine has authored two series: the Fudge Shop Mysteries, the Mischief in Moonstone Mysteries, and Spirit Lake.

To reserve your spot, please click on this link:


Turning the Page

Entering a new year is like turning a page in a brand new book where we’re the author and get to write our own story. Here’s to happy, healthy storylines!

Speaking of pages…

At my publisher, SparkPress, Tabitha Lahr is the graphic artist who designs the interior pages for the Sean McPherson novels. I love what she’s done with Impervious, book #3.

It releases on April 4th. You can preorder it now from your favorite bookseller.

I turned a lot of pages in 2022:

At the beginning of each year, I set a reading goal on Goodreads. When I finish reading a book, if I can give it three or more stars, I write a bite-sized review and post it on Goodreads, Bookbub, and Amazon. It’s my way of saying “Thank you” to the author.

Thank YOU, book lovers, for reading, reviewing, and sharing Sean McPherson book recommendations with others, for requesting the series at your local libraries and bookstores, and for cheering me on and supporting me!

  • Iniquity (book #4) is with the publisher for a spring 2024 release.
  • I’m so close to writing “The End” on Illusionist (book #5) that I can almost taste it! It will be released in the spring of 2025.
  • Then on to books #6, #7, and #8—and hopefully even more after that!

Please follow me on BookBub. I currently have 760 followers and would like to take advantage of the perks made available to authors with 1,000+ followers. Here’s a LINK.
