Crystal Therapy

Crystal Therapy by Len Buchanan

Crystal Therapy by Len Buchanan

In an effort to keep this post from being excessive in length, I’ve put in lots of helpful links that will take you to detailed information on the HolEssence website. But first, let’s do a quick review. Our bodies have three interdependent energy systems:

Chakras – energy stations
Meridians – energy pathways
Aura – energy shell

These systems work together to govern related functions in our body, mind and spirit. When the energy in one or more of these systems is in discord, our body is negatively affected and prone to disease. A number of energy-based therapies are available to help bring our personal energy signature back into balance. In previous “classes” we learned about:


Cranial Therapy

Today’s focus is Crystal Therapy.

Simply put, Crystal Therapy is the application of therapeutic and metaphysical properties in crystals for the purpose of healing. Follow this LINK to learn more about the difference between crystals, stones and minerals, and why they work. Crystal Therapy boosts our own profound healing capacities, balances energy, and promotes optimal health, well-being, and vitality.

Do you incorporate the use of crystals, stones, or minerals in your home or on your person? As an example, I wear a Lithium Quartz pendant, Eoghan wears a Blue Kyanite pendant, and Len switches out between Clear Quartz, Green Tourmaline, and Amber. We also drink gemstone elixirs. That “class” will be coming up in alphabetical order, stay tuned …

A special thank you to Eoghan Buchanan for graciously modeling for the Crystal Therapy photograph.


Ice Water in my Veins

Ice Water by Laurie Buchanan

Ice Water by Laurie Buchanan

On Tuesday at just about Noon I finally heard from the Geek Squad regarding the data they’re trying to recover from my hard drive that died. Tuesday was their eleventh day of having it in their possession. I was hoping to hear that they were over-nighting the recovered data and that I’d have it on Wednesday afternoon.

The gentleman said, “I have some good news and some bad news. The good news is that we’ll be able to recover some of your data, although we still don’t know how much. The bad news is it’s a time-intensive process. We’re looking at another four weeks.”

When he said “… able to recover some data,” my blood got a wee bit cool. When he said it would be another four weeks” it felt like my blood had turned to ice water in my veins. I was in shock. Pretty much rendered speechless because so much time—eleven days— had already passed.

So what now?

As my mother used to say, “Time, tide, and Laurie wait for no man.” I’m in the process of picking myself up, dusting myself off, and starting all over again. With that in mind, Energy Medicine 101 starts again day after tomorrow. I’ll see you bright and early for Crystal Therapy.

Listen with your heart,

Laurie Buchanan

Whatever you are not changing, you are choosing.”
               – Laurie Buchanan
Copyright © 2010 Laurie Buchanan — All Rights Reserved.