Living Legacy


Hibiscus by Laurie Buchanan

Hibiscus by Laurie Buchanan

The culmination of our life experience—how we spend or invest our life—is our legacy. It is my perspective that a legacy is not about leaving a sum of money behind. Rather, it’s about our contribution. Whether we’re a global citizen like Mother Teresa, or a local citizen, our legacy is permanent and has lasting impact. Intended or not, as individuals we influence others. Our actions and inactions; the words we say or leave unsaid, each have an effect—positive or negative—on others.

If Divine Love is our compass, our legacy will reflect inner wealth. It will be evidenced by health, peace of mind, joy, gratitude, contentment, quality relationships, loving what we do, emotional fulfillment, integrity, the list goes on. We may not be wealthy, but our life will indeed be rich. And our legacy will be one of true and lasting value. Have you thought about what your legacy will be; what you will be remembered for?

Listen with your heart,

Laurie Buchanan

Whatever you are not changing, you are choosing.”
               ~ Laurie Buchanan
Copyright © 2010 Laurie Buchanan — All rights reserved