
Rather than make New Year’s resolutions, each year I select a single word to focus on in the upcoming year. In 2017 my focus word is Sankalpa—a Sanskrit word that means determination; a practical step to harness willpower. With this resolve I’m going to plant, cultivate, and and nurture three seeds:

HOPE — optimism, joyful expectation

GRACE — the immediate presence of spirit, be the change

PEACE — reconciliation, unity

My practical and idealogical steps to ensure a good harvest include exercising intentional kindness. To build up, not tear down. To unite, not divide. To accept, not merely tolerate. To be better informed. To be transparent and vulnerable, not guarded and closed. And to actively listen, not passively hear what people with opposing viewpoints have to share.

Do you have a focus word this year?



Rather than make New Year’s resolutions, each year I select a single word to focus on in the upcoming year. In 2013 it was Peace. In 2014, Serendipity. Last year it was Flow. In 2016 my focus word is Alliance. That said, it’s time to unveil the secret I’ve been dangling…

Title and cover reveal coming soon
Stay tuned

Writing the book was the easy part. Since then I’ve learned that it really does “take a village” to birth a book. From the publisher to readers, and everyone in-between: manuscript critique, copyeditor, proofreaders, legal counsel, permissions, artwork, layout/design, book trailer, publicity, marketing, printer, distribution, bookstores, event planning, and author endorsements. I’m grateful to each person as they help me navigate literary waters.


An enthusiastic proponent of affirmations, this year’s positive supporting statement—I am in alliance with experienced people who have my book’s best interest at heart—targets my focus this year.

“It is probably not love that makes the world go around, but rather those mutually supportive alliances through which partners recognize their dependence on each other for the achievement of shared and private goals.” —Fred Allen

Do you have a focus word this year?


Zenergistic Flow

Rather than make New Year’s resolutions, each year I select a single word to focus on in the upcoming year. In 2013 it was Peace. Last year it was Serendipity. In 2015 my focus word is Flow.

Not as in “Go with (or against) the flow…”

…but as being a vessel for zenergy that is positive, uplifting, constructive, and healing; a channel for peace, joy, kindness, encouragement, compassion, creativity, and Light.

An enthusiastic proponent of affirmations, this year’s positive supporting statement — I invite the infinite good of the Universe to flow through me — targets how I choose to be in the world.

“Feel it, flow with it, infuse with it, believe it. Time to let the magic begin.” — Trudy Vesotsky

Do you have a focus word this year?


The Serendipitous Life

If you’ve followed this blog for any length of time, you know that rather than resolutions, each New Year’s Eve I select a single word to focus on in the upcoming year. In 2013 it was peace and all of its derivatives.

This year my word is Serendipitythe occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way. Serendipitousa magical approach to life.

“And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it.” ― Roald Dahl. A magical surprise — the flame draws toward you — when you blow on it with a knife in-between. © Laurie Buchanan 2013.

An enthusiastic proponent of affirmations, this year’s positive supporting statement — I see things I didn’t know I was looking for — targets how I choose to be in the world.

Jose Manuel Barroso said, “What people call serendipity sometimes is just having your eyes open.” And that’s precisely what I will do in this shiny new year — see joyful, beneficial things I might have otherwise missed.

Do you have a focus word this year?

