Gazing Balls

Gazing balls originated in Venice, Italy, in the 13th century, where the famous Italian glass blowers would blow glass of all sizes and colors. Most of these gazing balls were created for the affluent homes of kings and queens. 

Because gazing balls were thought to attract fairies and magical beings, King Ludwig II of Bavaria insisted that gazing balls be hung from trees, floated on the surrounding ponds, and placed on stands in the garden. Considered wildly eccentric, he longed to rule over a fairytale kingdom and built fairytale castles that today rate among Germany’s leading tourist attractions..

Gazing balls were also used to spy on couples as they walked around the garden (you could watch them unseen). They were also used in dining rooms of wealthy homes, so the maids and butlers could watch unobserved to see who needed their tea refilled.

Do you have a gazing ball in your home, yard, or garden?


VIOLET – Strengthen the Connection with Your Higher Self

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For those of you who are just joining us, welcome to the University of Life. In the previous “classes” we laid the groundwork for this course—The Color of Wellness, and looked at the therapeutic properties of the colors red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and indigo. Today’s palette features the color Violet.

Violet is associated with self-knowledge, divine connection, and spiritual wellness. It enhances creativity, wisdom, and inspiration. It’s the color of royalty. Think of juicy plum, purple grapes, the velvet petals of an African violet, or the rich color of eggplant. When was the last time you picked turnips fresh from the earth? Have you ever seen a spiny purple sea urchin on the ocean floor while snorkeling, or been waved at by an iris dancing in the breeze? 

The positive properties of violet are expressed as inspiration, dignity, creativity, nobility, spiritual awareness, altruism, independence, and personable.

The negative properties of violet are described as fanatical, perfectionist, self-doubting, self-destructive, and alienated.

The healing properties of violet are cleansing and antiseptic and can address physical symptoms such as epilepsy, neuralgia, multiple sclerosis, and negative states of mind that include neurosis, despair, loss of faith, and lack of self-respect. Violet can also be used to suppress the appetite.

When you need a boost in the areas of divine connection and self-knowledge, indulge yourself with this color. The frequency of violet refreshes the crown chakra—the  gateway to our spiritual nature. This energetic center is where we consent to higher guidance for personal transformation.

The energy of violet helps to assimilate our day-to-day experiences into wisdom, waiting at the ready for translation into enlightenment. Violet encourages a peaceful environment and relieves tension. It promotes inner strength, wisdom, and kindness. Violet helps us to change negatives into positives and brings about increased feelings of spiritual connection. Because of its calming properties, violet is an excellent choice to use during meditation.

Are you drawn to pure violet? It emits the clarity of blue and the warmth of red. It speaks of grandeur and reverence. Or maybe you enjoy the lighter airy shades that are elusive and intriguing; while the deeper purple tones are shadowy and peaceful, inviting deep relaxation and meditation.

What we do with our physical environment—our personal space—speaks to our heart and helps us to flourish. Buy a piece of violet clothing. Add a splash of violet to your décor with flowers, pillows, a candle or a throw. Enhance your sacred space with a violet or purple zafu cushion to augment your meditation practice. Or take advantage of the healing frequency of violet or purple crystals such as amethyst, sugilite, or lepidolite.

A special thank you to Joseph’s Market for allowing me to take photographs in their produce department and to Countryside Nursery for allowing me to take photographs in their gardens.

Listen with your heart,

Laurie Buchanan

Whatever you are not changing, you are choosing.”
               – Laurie Buchanan

Copyright © 2010 Laurie Buchanan — All Rights ReservedNo part of this blog post may be used in part, or in whole, without written permission from Laurie Buchanan.