On Gossamer Wings

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Throughout the day I have the privilege of meeting with a wide brushstroke of wonderful people at HolEssence—women, men, and children alike. Without exception, they use the door on the right side of the photograph to enter the office of Laurie Buchanan.

But as evening falls, and the last client has left for the day, a subtle shift
occurs …
… the big door slowly swings itself shut and the rest of the evening’s visitors enter through the special door—the wee one on the left side of the photograph—to see Paden Plume.

On gossamer wings they quietly slip through the door and make themselves at home in their colorful garb. If anyone were to spy through a window, they’d see Paden smiling and listening attentively as they share about the events of their day.

There’s Willow, Sage, Awen, and Paden Faerieleaf—good friends, to be sure.

Listen with your heart,

Laurie Buchanan

Whatever you are not changing, you are choosing.”
               – Laurie Buchanan

Copyright © 2010 Laurie Buchanan — All Rights Reserved.

26 thoughts on “On Gossamer Wings

  1. Goodmorning Laurie, how delightful! I’ve always loved these wee nature spirits… in whatever form they’re willing to make themselves known. I believe that there are over-seeing intelligences connected with the natural world, plants in particular, that make themselves known to us when we are ready to listen. Hello to your lovely fairy friends and to Paden Plume 🙂

    • Colleen – Like you, I believe that there are over-seeing intelligences connected with the natural world plants (especially trees) in particular. We’re definitely kindred spirits. Thank you for stopping in. Have a wonderful holiday weekend!

  2. What a lovely tribute to our little faerie friends who visit when it is all quiet and the world is calm and the mind receiving from the heart.


    I am Love, Jeff

  3. Good Morning,
    Well they are all just so enchanting.
    If I had fairy dust I would sprinkle us all so we could fly around and hang out.
    I’m off to the County Fair to enter my items, six new painting and a few bake goodies.
    Wish me luck.

  4. Yep Laurie, there are many wee folks around here too. I read your post to a few this morning and they are sure that Willow and Sage are their first cousins. Mind you, Rose always thinks she is related to everyone. She is forever saying “small world isn’t it?” Of course I agree.

  5. Feathers & wings everywhere! On gossamer wings…
    You must have sent the hawk to our house this morning. It was sitting on the ground near the garden, its eyes fixed on me oddly. It seemed to be sending a silent message. Now I understand what the message was: Go read Laurie’s blog. LOL!

    • Hawk medicine (energy) is wonderful, isn’t it, Kathy? You’ve definitely been having a way with our feathered friends lately, what with receiving a blog message not so long ago from another bird. You’re most likely fae, and that’s why they confide in you, or look you straight in the eye.

  6. I couldn’t do half of what happens in my flower beds and garden without the the Wee Folk to lend a hand. They direct the bees and and other Winged Beings to the flower ready to be pollinated and make sure the caterpillars get their share and not a bit more. Some sing the birds to sleep at night while the flightier crowd goes joy riding on the backs of moths. We all have our places and spaces and I make sure not to infringe on theirs!

  7. what lovely fairy friends you have, Laurie! And that is an adorable little door for them to come and go. I will show this blog to January over the weekend (she is coming for a visit). She will love it.

  8. Wow….I had no idea there was such a magical nation that came to visit when the sun goes down. I catch glipses of them in my sleep. I have especailly slept well this week in the hotel, as they have AWESOME beds and beding to wallow in! Not to mention a cool dark place to fall asleep to, although OREOZ is so much better at keeping my feet warm. As for my feet, I wll be blogging tonight about that!

    I have seen some of your friends and that magical door, lots of absolutly magnificent and magical things happen there……

    P.S I waited all day to see the pictures, as I could only read the story this morning on my Bkackberry, the pic’s were blank, as this happens on the slideshows. (Great Anticipation!)


    • Kim – Yes, you’ve definitely seen the little magical door. I’m glad you’ve had some good sleep away in an awesome bed. Some people have trouble sleeping away from home. I love to travel and always sleep well, regardless of where I lay my head. Thank you for stopping by. I hope you have a wonderful holiday weekend!

  9. Many years ago my daughter asked me if there really were faeries and dragons, to which I said no, not yet, and perhaps there will be one day.
    After lots of questioning, as only a persistent 4 year old can do, I described how the laws of physics do not allow either faeries or dragons to exist here on earth, there is too much gravity.
    Perhaps one day we will breed both faeries and dragons, and they would need to live in low gravity environments, probably in space stations orbiting the earth – huge hollow cylinders many miles in diameter.
    I really hope I live long enough to see that happen.

    We also talked about how stories of faeries and such like folk are usually associated with colorful mushrooms, which are well known for their psychedelic properties.

    Even 10 years on, she still hits me and insists that faeries are real, and I think that is just part of an independence thing.

    • Gravity! Sometimes, too much just gets you down. There are those in-between spaces and times, like shorelines or dawn and twilight where you can glimpse into other planes of existence where our laws of physics do not apply…

      • Gil – I haven’t seen you in a month of Sundays. I’m so glad you popped in for a visit, thank you! I LOVE what you said, “There are those in-between spaces and times, like shorelines or dawn and twilight where you can glimpse into other planes of existence where our laws of physics do not apply.” Thank you for stopping in. Have a great weekend!

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