On Gossamer Wings

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Throughout the day I have the privilege of meeting with a wide brushstroke of wonderful people at HolEssence—women, men, and children alike. Without exception, they use the door on the right side of the photograph to enter the office of Laurie Buchanan.

But as evening falls, and the last client has left for the day, a subtle shift
occurs …
… the big door slowly swings itself shut and the rest of the evening’s visitors enter through the special door—the wee one on the left side of the photograph—to see Paden Plume.

On gossamer wings they quietly slip through the door and make themselves at home in their colorful garb. If anyone were to spy through a window, they’d see Paden smiling and listening attentively as they share about the events of their day.

There’s Willow, Sage, Awen, and Paden Faerieleaf—good friends, to be sure.

Listen with your heart,

Laurie Buchanan

Whatever you are not changing, you are choosing.”
               – Laurie Buchanan

Copyright © 2010 Laurie Buchanan — All Rights Reserved.