Crystal Therapy

Crystal Therapy by Len Buchanan

Crystal Therapy by Len Buchanan

In an effort to keep this post from being excessive in length, I’ve put in lots of helpful links that will take you to detailed information on the HolEssence website. But first, let’s do a quick review. Our bodies have three interdependent energy systems:

Chakras – energy stations
Meridians – energy pathways
Aura – energy shell

These systems work together to govern related functions in our body, mind and spirit. When the energy in one or more of these systems is in discord, our body is negatively affected and prone to disease. A number of energy-based therapies are available to help bring our personal energy signature back into balance. In previous “classes” we learned about:


Cranial Therapy

Today’s focus is Crystal Therapy.

Simply put, Crystal Therapy is the application of therapeutic and metaphysical properties in crystals for the purpose of healing. Follow this LINK to learn more about the difference between crystals, stones and minerals, and why they work. Crystal Therapy boosts our own profound healing capacities, balances energy, and promotes optimal health, well-being, and vitality.

Do you incorporate the use of crystals, stones, or minerals in your home or on your person? As an example, I wear a Lithium Quartz pendant, Eoghan wears a Blue Kyanite pendant, and Len switches out between Clear Quartz, Green Tourmaline, and Amber. We also drink gemstone elixirs. That “class” will be coming up in alphabetical order, stay tuned …

A special thank you to Eoghan Buchanan for graciously modeling for the Crystal Therapy photograph.


8 thoughts on “Crystal Therapy

  1. Hi Laurie,
    When it comes to crystals I am a real “stoner”. I have a talisman necklace that my husband had made for me about 13 years ago for my birthday. It consists of a clear quartz wand with 2 purple quartz stones on either side. At the back of the neck is a small chunk of Table Mountain Sandstone. It has a wonderful story attached to it, in that my husband got a friend of ours to make it for me. Before he made the necklace he and my husband went on a journey around Cape Town with the crystals and washed them several locations.( A pool inside a cave, a mountain waterfall and the sea.) When he opened the bag that he was using to carry the stones around on the hike, he found the piece of sandstone in it and incorporated it into the piece.
    I have many crystals around the house and use different types of quartz placed near electronic equipment to dissipate or redirect the energies that come off them. I have a crystal that has bubbles trapped in it that move when you move the stone. I contemplate it and imagine the beginning of creation and think that that air has never been breathed by a living creature!

    • Gil – Your comment about “stoner” made me laugh. The talisman necklace that your husband had made you for sounds beautiful. Are the purple quartz on each side, Amethyst? The idea that your husband washed them in a cave poook, watefall, and the sea is so neat. Last night I hung mine outside under the full moon, and it stayed there through a terrific rain/thunderstorm — that’s a wonderful type of energy. Like you, I have a fist-sized piece smoky quartz crystal next to my laptop to dissipate energy that doesn’t serve me well. But yours, with a bubble trapped inside … how cool is that?!

  2. Laurie, I don’t usually use crystals, although did utilize them in healing sessions 15-20 years ago. Interesting, though…I have taken out a crystal and have been holding it, carrying it, putting intentions in it for the last couple of days. When it feels right I will give the crystal and its intentions to the lake or a deep pond. (The above photo feels so relaxing and healing simply looking at it. Thank you.)

    • Kathy – I like that you’ll be giving your intent-filled stone to a lake or deep pond. When I do that, I give it to the soil underneath our apple tree. Interestingly, our “dwarf” golden delicious tree isn’t so little, and it produces the most amazing bumper crops of apples! I’m glad you came by. I hope you enjoyed the full moon last night.

  3. Laurie — Shamanic journeys also utilize quartz crystals and I believe (like everything else) that there is living energy inside rocks, minerals, crystals, gems, and everything else that most folks believe are inanimate. My dilemma is that I am such a novice at this that I don’t have any idea of what constitutes a good crystal or quartz, what kind to buy and where to buy it from! Will there be a lesson on this in the future?

    • Barbara – I’m just gonna have to come to your neck of the woods one day and scope things out. Unless you know the vendor, I would steer away from buying anything in the world of crystals via the internet. I want to see/touch/hold/feel crystals, stones, rocks, and minerals before I purchase them. We hand select almost all of the stones we make available for purchase at HolEssence. The ones we don’t personally hand select, we get get from vendors we know and trust — then of course the moment they arrive, I’m inspecting them down to the gnats whisker. I highly recommend “The Crystal Bible” by Judy Hall — that’s a great place to get started.

  4. I know, I know I’m Late!!
    But wait till I tell you why.
    I have been looking and looking for a lapis stone to help me with my thoat chakra.
    Just yesterday, my new friend Louise asked if I wanted to join her and others to go to the Lamoille Art Fair. ( Me saying yes to people I don’t know well is in itself a miricle)
    While looking around I started to go to jewerly booths. I did see lapis but sooooo expensive, the man said it is hard to come by now. Most of our laspis comes from the middle east and they are blowing up their mines!!!.
    Well I kept looking and finally I came across a neclace and earings that were in a beautilful setting and not too expensive. He added up to cost and it was more than I had. I took out all the money in my pocket that I brought with me and offered it to him. Saying I would rather give this to you than buy lunch. HE AGREED AND TOOK WHAT I HAD AND WRAPPED THE NECKLACE AND EARRINGS UP FOR ME!!
    This morning I meditated with them to infuse them with great intent, for my self expression and Thyroid. The Thoat Charka.
    I can’t wait to get that book on intensions your reading.

    • JeanWaaaaay better late than never. Lapis Lazuli is a WONDERFUL stone, and yes, it sure can be expensive — for the very reason you mentioned. We used to be able to get it from Turkey; no more. It’s hard to come by — especially in larger pieces. It was wonderful that the vendor blessed you like that. Remember that the throat chakra also governs our environmental wellness — that doesn’t just mean the environment around us (our house, car, office, garage, neighborhood, etc), it means the clutter/litter we might have in our internal landscape. Make sure to set your intent for a clutter-free internal landscape as well.

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