Being Still

Being Still by Laurie Buchanan

Being Still by Laurie Buchanan

The University of Life — Being Still Course Description

On a recent flight I took a photo of the propeller through the window. It was spinning so fast that it appeared motionless. It looked that way not because it wasn’t moving, but because it was spinning so fast.

Physics tells us that everything—without exception—is in motion. Even the massive rock you see in the photograph I took in Nova Scotia. Stillness is dynamic; it is un-conflicted movement (no friction). It can be experienced whenever there is total, unrestricted participation in the moment we’re in; when we’re unreservedly present with whatever we’re doing.

Stillness is a natural rhythm in the cycle of life. In the space that stillness creates—sacred space—we have the opportunity to quiet the mind and body; to re-group, re-charge, re-connect, and to find a point of reference; something to measure against. To find the wisdom we need to move forward. It’s here we’re embraced by the strength of calm serenity.

When we enter stillness, we drink deeply from the well of Divine Love. From this place, we can move back into the busy world refreshed.

Listen with your heart,

Laurie Buchanan

Whatever you are not changing, you are choosing.”
               ~ Laurie Buchanan
Copyright © 2010 Laurie Buchanan — All Rights Reserved.

32 thoughts on “Being Still

    • Good morning Jeff — I’m glad that you elected this class. For some of us, finding stillness in movement is more effective — sort of like “the eye of the storm” phenomenon; dead calm can be found in the center of chaos.

  1. great Laurie

    When we enter stillness, we drink deeply from the well of Divine Love.

    i start my day with a very still mind & found my connection to stillness, but as day progress i found myself many times out of Now…

    • Shaily – During the day when I find myself out of the “Now,” I gently bow to acknowledge it, and then re-enter stillness. I’m so glad that you stopped by. Thank you.

    • Larry – Your voice is so calm and reassuring. It’s the kind of voice that a person would enjoy hearing on an audio book. I’m glad you joined the class today. I’ve got a peanut butter on whole wheat sandwich, an apple and carrot/celery sticks for lunch. Got anything you want to trade, or are you buying a hot lunch today?

  2. Laurie this was so perfect for starting my day today – which requires hours of motion on the water traveling to and from the little city of Victoria.

    I am deeply appreciating and enjoying your “University of Life” series of posts:)

    • Terrill – When you travel by water do you need to take motion-sickness medication? Is it a big enough boat/ship that you don’t feel every little wave? Or is motion sickness not even a concern for you? I’m great in a small plane, but not in a small boat on choppy water.

      • It is an inside passage between Mayne Island and Victoria and though it can be rough on occasion mostly it is no problem. I have to stop reading and watch the horizon line if there are swells, next step is to take my glasses off and and stand outside. After that I am just ill unit it is over. In all the years I’ve traveled on the ferries this has only happened a few times and only on the trips between Vancouver Island and the mainland where we need to cross the Strait of Georgia. Like you I usually have no trouble flying.

      • Terrill – The ingredients in your description (rough, horizon, swells) are enough to do it for me. Like you, being outside breathing fresh air helps. I’m glad it’s a rare occurrence for you.

  3. Good Morning Laurie,
    Stillness, I barley got over “Letting Go!”,
    I like stillness, I can sit for hours and I appear to be doing nothing to the untrained eye. But just like the little seed under ground, I am working very hard solving problems. Of course the biggest I have is to understand that I really have no problems!
    Just like when I meditate, I have to constantly shush little thoughts out and concentrate on my mantra.
    Stillness, Is that the same as “The power belongs to the silent one.” Have you heard that?
    On a more personal note, just last week we lost a family member, my brother in-law. My sister in-law does not want to talk with anyone, no visits, phone calls, e-mails and has asked us all to respect her time to just sit still and reflect. This too can be a form of stillness.
    I would like to share a Buddhist prayer with you,
    May you be filled with loveingkindness,
    May you be safe from inner and outer danger,
    May you be well in body and mind,
    May you be at ease and happy.

    • Jean – I fully respect your siter-in-law’s request for time alone to to be still and reflect. In my life when I have encountered loss, I do the same thing. Many people don’t understand it and feel that it’s somehow “not healthy.” In my experience that’s not true. For me it has always been positive, uplifting, constructive, and healing.

      Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful Buddhist prayer.

  4. There’s something so comforting, so nurturing about the stillness within me …the expansive space within which I have being.

    As you say…

    “When we enter stillness, we drink deeply from the well of Divine Love.”

    • Bob – I like your term, “expansive space” — that has a good feel to it. I’m glad you showed up to class today. I went by your locker earlier and you sure have an awful lot of notes sticking out the vents.

  5. Stillness….Now…….Then slowwwwly going back to something else……


    I have a stillness about me and I try to be in the Now, however what would be the key to have others on the same wavelength or I asking for if they are even close…..

    P.S. I am reading The Four Agreements as I write this!
    Kindle is wonderful. I am reading on my cell phone.


    • Kim – The stillness “speed” is different for everyone. I think the key is to be in harmony with each other’s speeds. Especially those we interface with on a daily basis. I guess we could liken it to musical notes; different, yet in harmony. Complementing each other. The Four Agreements is a great book. Don Miguel Ruiz has a follow-up book. The Fifth Agreement: A Practical Guide to Self-Mastery. Sorry I didn’t make it to the cafeteria for lunch. I’ve been in study hall all day.

      • I have been in first Aid training all day! (not really just New hire safety training!)
        I got to train a new student today, boy she was pretty smart and did very well on the two quizzes after the presentation! Look out…..

        I have to get away from being still, as I too am mullingn tings over, however there comes a time to quite that….

      • Kim – I’m glad you had a good day with a terrific new student. Remember, the properller was going so fast on the airplane that it “looked” like it was still. That same things happens with a gyro — it looks like it’s standing perfect still, when in fact, it’s spinning like crazy.

  6. Stillness is as important to us as food, don’t you think? We don’t usually forget to eat…we should also remember to experience stillness during the unfolding day. It’s good taking your “classes”, Laurie.

  7. I still occasionally (rarely these days) enjoy the sensation of being in the moment that comes from taking a car down a gravel road at close to 100 mph. All aspects of self focused down to one. The car is essentially out of control all the time, it’s never quite where you want it to be, so there is constant correction, constant assessment of just how much drift, traction, yaw, and focus on the road ahead, choice of path as far ahead as can be seen.

    The is an almost sublime peace in being fully engaged in the immediacy of survival.

    My wife is happy that I do it rarely these days. And I am able to get a very similar experience in other realms now.

  8. I need to be still, I am ever moving. Even at rest my brain is tearing away. I have got to make more time for meditation, it seems like that is the first thing to put aside when I get busy. I’m going to make a point of it. I was not built to rush.

    • “I’m going to make a point of it.” That’s a great intention to set, Sandi! I like when you said, “I was not built to rush.” It’s one thing to engage in activity. It’s another thing to engage in “hectivity.” Have a great day!

  9. Your lesson reminds me of Eckhart Tolle’s book “Stillness Speaks,” Laurie. Becoming quiet and still is essential to being who we truly are. Tolle says when we seek the stillness in other things, we can find the stillness in ourselves. Great lesson. Thanks.

    • Good morning Kim – I’m glad that statement resonated with you. It’s a gorgeous day here in our neck of the woods. I hope you will have the opportunity to get outside and enjoy it.

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