The Shortest Distance

The shortest distance between two points is a straight line. At least that’s what I was taught in school. I didn’t know about the exception:

“A straight line isn’t always the shortest distance between two points. The shortest distance between two points depends on the geometry of the object/surface in question. For flat surfaces, a line is indeed the shortest distance, but for spherical surfaces, like Earth, great-circle distances actually represent the true shortest distance.”

Perhaps it’s not about the two points, but HOW we move between them. 

Depending on the distance, walking is my favorite mode of transportation, (no less than six miles per day). 

If we take the truck, it means we’re on a road trip, and you have to love that! 

In the Fiat? I’m running errands in town. 

On our bikes, or in the plane? We’re enjoying a goof-off day.

What about you? What’s your favorite way to get between Point A and Point B?


Turtle Britches

During a jaunt without Willa, amazing things happen. My four-mile gait is a consistent 15-minute mile which equates to a pretty fast walk (or a record-breakingly slow run).

Not “Blade Runner,” Willa is “Blade Sniffer.” She stops to smell—and pee on—every single solitary blade of grass. She moves at the speed of a herd of turtles in a jar of peanut butter. We might as well pack lunch, dinner, and headlamps ‘cause we’re not getting home until dark.

Willa’s favorite mode of transportation is catching G-force from the car window.

What’s your speed?
