Old Man Winter’s Losin’ His Grip

Yesterday morning I went outside in the freezing weather to see what I hope is the last vestige of winter. The odd sight on the fence made me think of icy fingers losing their grip on the chain link.

What are you releasing—letting go of?

Icy Fingers on Chain Link Fence by Laurie Buchanan

Icy Fingers on Chain Link Fence by Laurie Buchanan

My friend Cindy over at Our Garden in nearby Volo brought us a vase of pussy willows—with a promise of spring. As the little furry buds open they bring to mind the line from James Oliver Curwood’s book, The Alaskan, “…and the pussy-willow buds were popping out of their coats like corn from a hopper.”

What’s bustin’ at your seems—about to spring forth from you?

Pussy-Willows from Cindy Kellogg at Our Garden in Volo

Pussy-Willows from Cindy Kellogg at Our Garden in Volo

Listen with your heart,

Laurie Buchanan

Whatever you are not changing, you are choosing.”
               — Laurie Buchanan


© 2011 Laurie Buchanan – All Rights Reserved

29 thoughts on “Old Man Winter’s Losin’ His Grip

  1. Goodbye Old Man Winter~~you’ve been swell, you’ve given us many gifts~~but we’re ready to bust out in pussy willows now! I feel many newnesses springing out. So much more of an identification with life, with the All. So much less of a rigid identification with a limited viewpoint. It feels–it feels–like a warm soft fresh breath of spring air. Sending you a virtual daffodil peeking its yellow head into your life, Laurie. Bless you and this blog and may it enrich the lives of everyone who stops to read.

  2. Holding on and Letting go, one season struggles, while another is bursting from in bright colors of red, yellow, and even green, with a splash of purple and pink.

    Usually coming back from the flower show which as 2 weeks ago, you see people carrying bundles of Pussy Willows…

    You know what is bursting froth for me, a new exhibit of nature themed photographs, among other events…

    I am Love, Jeff

  3. Need to let go of rigid thoughts such as I wont be able to do this due to that etc.
    The buds in the vase suggest the word”nurture” to me

    Just the right blog to get us in the spirit for spring and onward.

  4. Ah, the sweat first signs of spring. Here, the cherry trees are in flower.
    What is spring forth from me?
    My young adult adventure. However, I’m not sure I’m ready to hand over the car keys and watch it drive away. : )

  5. Laurie, this is such a welcome topic this time of year. Spring is one of the finest gifts the Universe bestows on us. Grateful. Grateful. Grateful. We’re always in the process of letting go, always inching our way through life deciding what we’ve outgrown, or not. It would make a fascinating book, so much depth there. Have a great week, Daisy (sending sun for your yard and flowers)

  6. I love the pussy willows:)

    I’m letting go of holding onto everything that stops me from being ME!! I’m bursting at the seams to bud, blossom and fully bloom into the next phase!

  7. Laurie, those icy fingers seemed to send a chill right down my back! EEoow!! It’s been a long while since we’ve had to deal with icy things, here in the Atlanta area we’ve been doing Spring for about 4-5 weeks. It’s been scary, not sure if a cold snap might kill the daffys and tulips, everything is blooming like mad things. Of course some have already bloomed their last and have been putting on that baby green foliage that is so endearing this time of year. The blueberries, pears, peaches and apples are in full froth at the present and all look like bridesmaids. What am I letting go of…hmmm….I have put away my wooly socks and scarves, my heavy gloves, my winter coat. The days are so much brighter and longer, I have given up my habit of reading in the late afternoons in favor of pulling weeds and playing with my gardening tools. It is a good thing to look busy when all you are really doing is looking for an excuse to stay outside until the Sun goes down!

    • Sandi – You’ve painted a word picture — baby green foliage — that we’re just chompin’ at the bit for. It’s just around the corner. I love what you’ve released–winter gear, and you’re embracing the great outdoors. If you look behind you, you’ll see that I’m just one (or maybe two) steps behind you.

  8. I am ready to let go of filling my plate with so many things “to do” and fill my life with more discretion in living in a manner so that I enjoy it more. I am spread way too thin so that activities I enjoy (like writing) get put by the wayside in favor of obligations. I want to obligate myself a lot less to activities I am not really enjoying, but doing out of a sense of duty.

    • Barbara – “Obligations” and “A Sense of Duty” are like piranha–they can eat you alive, one bite at a time. I’d love to fling my to-do list right out the window, but any more, if it’s not written down, it doesn’t happen. But by intent, I can sure make it shorter–much shorter!

  9. Funny being on the opposite season.
    We had a cold Southerly through a few days back (equivalent to your northerly), and as I look out the window, the mountain tops are covered in snow, having been snow free for 5 months. Winter’s sneaking up on us, and the days are rapidly drawing in. Daylight saving stops this weekend.
    Still so much to be done.
    Winter garden preparation is waiting for me to knock down the last 11 boundary trees (have taken down about 30 over summer and cut them up).
    A meeting today of the local coastal guardians group, followed by a talk on the local marine canyon by three experts from our capital city.
    Lots for me to do in preparation.
    As to comings and goings, lots for me in the understanding of economics, both the surface structures, and the deeper level systemic incentives.
    Also building on my understanding of understanding itself, looking at the general cultural shift from a mythic to an objective understanding, and the infinite levels of objective understanding available.

    In terms of letting go, something like the last vestiges of any sort of absolute knowledge, and an acceptance of profound ignorance. It seems that the more I know, the more I know I don’t know, and I see no theoretical need for that ever to change, should I live for the rest of eternity (which now seems highly improbable).

    • Ted – It boggles my mind too. We’re heading into spring/summer, and you’re heading into fall/winter. You’ve sure been busy with tree removal, but you’ve got plenty of fireweood to keep you going for a very long time!

      It sounds like you’re woven into the very heart of the fabric of your community — local government and otherwise. It’s good they’ve got a “mover and a shaker” in their midst!

      I love your statement, “…the more I know, the more I know I don’t know.” Welcome to my world! 🙂

  10. I am delighted that the old guy is finally relaxing his position, though brisk weather persists here in the NYC area and the nights are cold. Would you believe Laurie that they have snow in the cards for Friday? Friday is April 1st. This winter will never be forgotten for its tenacity, but we must hope this isn’t a new trend. I am trying to pare down my outdoor clothes, but this far I just haven’t been able to retire the cumbersome coat. I’m heading into Manhattan tonight for a stage work, and I’m anticipated that chilling wind. Ugh!

    • Sam – I’m looking forward to Monday when I know I’ll be able to read about the stage production you saw in Manhattan last night. It’s fun to live vicariously through a stage and film buff like you!

  11. We are getting warmer but after 55 days of straight rain and 10 more on the horizon the plum and cherry blossoms are on the ground and slugs have consumed all my daffodils – crocus are down for the count. I do see that my star magnolia and the forsythia are holding their own and the hyacinths are just going for it even with the constant rain.

    The camellias have been just amazing this year as they finish off – mildew is everywhere and I see my Christmas Cheer Rhody is going to be a beauty out the kitchen window. I can honestly say after 2010 being such a grey wet year ( especially summer- we did not even get the beans to set) I hope this year will not be a repeat performance…I will need to search out sun. ( I am taking Vit D daily)

    • Patricia – With all that rain, it sounds like you need to build an ark! In the part of the country that I live in (between Chicago and the Wisconsin border) we get mighty long stretches of sunless sky. Like you, I’m an avid Vitamin D3 fan!

  12. Let’s see… Letting go of resentment that built up over elder-care disagreements… Springing forth from me is the persistence to keep on creating a healthier life style… Waiting for the first dandelion to appear in my garden because this year I intend to eat it! Thank you for the positive thoughts about changes, Laurie!

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