Positive Flow

Life has a way of teaching us to accept or maneuver around obstacles; some of them seemingly insurmountable. That’s where the miracle of flow comes in. With perpetual forward motion—under, over, around, or through—I choose to be a graceful partner in the beautiful, often salsa tempo’d, dance of life.

I wear a pendant that reminds me of my choice to be a vessel through which positivity flows: peace, joy, kindness, encouragement, compassion, acceptance, creativity, and light.

Another type of flow occurs when we are 100% involved in an activity that is challenging enough to engage us, but not so challenging that it’s frustrating. It’s a state in which we are fully in the present moment, and we lose awareness of everything other than our activity; we’re in the moment and things just…flow!

“I am rooted, but I flow.” —Virginia Woolf

What activities have absorbed you so deeply that your mind quiets down and you just flow?

© lauriebuchanan.com