Aromatherapy for the Health of It

Aromatherapy Diffuser by Laurie  Buchanan

Aromatherapy Diffuser by Laurie Buchanan

Responding to stress is natural, but staying in a constant state of stress eventually produces negative health effects. Cortisol—also known as the death or stress hormone—is part of our body’s natural response to stress. Yet when it’s released at high levels and/or not allowed to ease up, it decreases immunity, bone density, and the overall quality of life.

Because aromatherapy triggers the relaxation response, it’s an effective self-health method that can diminish, if not eliminate, stress from taking root in the body. This response can balance cortisol levels, decrease heart rate and blood pressure, improve digestion, and normalize blood sugar levels.

Totally portable, essential oils are easy to use. You can inhale a single essential oil, or create a synergy—a blend of oils.

At HolEssence we use diffusers that waft our Signature Scent—a proprietary blend of lavender, ylang-ylang, and rosemary—throughout the yoga studio, office, and treatment room. Inhaling the aroma is immediately calming, yet uplifting. Many people who walk in say, “Ahhhhhh, it smells like heaven in here.”

Most people tolerate essential oils well, but care must be taken that the fragrance isn’t overpowering. Essential oils you may want to consider in your self-health program include:

Chamomile is calming, soothing, and relaxing. It has a sweet, herbal, and fruity aroma.

Ylang Ylang is anti-depressive and relaxing. This evergreen tree has intensely fragrant flowers, followed by green fruits—a little goes a long way.

Eucalyptus is balancing and stimulating. Its aroma is a mix of camphor and the forest.

Geranium is comforting and healing. It has a sweet, floral, and earthy aroma.

Lavender is well known for its calming and therapeutic effects. It’s floral, sweet, woodsy, and herbal smelling.

Rose is warm and deeply floral—a little goes a long way.

Rosemary is refreshing and stimulating. Its fragrance is refreshing, woodsy, and herbal.

Sandalwood is very relaxing. It has a woodsy, sweet, and exotic scent.

Marjoram is used to deal with anxiety and insomnia. Its fragrance is warm and spicy.

Jasmine is soothing and relaxing. It has a warm, floral scent.

Neroli is relaxing—it has sedative properties. Its fragrance is floral and refreshing—a little goes a long way.

Note: as with anything used for medicinal purposes, check to ensure that the essential oils you use don’t have any negative interactions with current health issues and/or medication. The purpose of this post is not to for you to stop your current healthcare regimen. Rather, to bring awareness that Aromatherapy is a wonderful complementary self-health treatment that can help to create a healthier you.
