Box of Chocolates

When Len and I received a delectable box of chocolates as a thank you gift, we waited all of fifteen seconds before opening it to see what was inside. 

Ooh la la, every one of them looked delicious! How to choose?

In the movie, Forrest Gump, Forrest says, “Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get.”

Fortunately, there was a “key” inside the lid of our box of chocolates. It helped us to navigate the edible treasures. For instance, I’m not a coconut fan, so Len used the “key” to select those. He’s not a fan of fruit centers, so I used it to find those. 

How do you navigate a box of chocolates—or life, for that matter?


37 thoughts on “Box of Chocolates

  1. Unfortunately, since going sugar free vegan I haven’t found a chocolate that is those things and tasty.

    As to navigating life, its finding a balance between the many things that need to be done, and having a bit of fun along the way:
    Making enough money to survive;
    Doing something to care for the natural environment;
    Doing what I can to influence social systems to deliver reasonable levels of security and abundance to everyone;
    Talking about the overriding need for cooperation between diverse agents at all levels; and spelling out the dangers of fully competitive systems;
    Trying to get people to think really deeply about the idea of freedom, and to become conscious of the levels of responsibility that necessarily accompany any new level of freedom, if it is to survive.

    I have a long term vision of everyone having the option of indefinite life extension, and resetting their body “clocks” to their 20 something optimum; and having the resources to do whatever they responsibly choose – where the conversations around responsibility might at times be a little protracted.

    Beyond that, I basically “wing it”, doing what seems appropriate in the moment.

    • Ted — I think you hit the nail on the head with “…BALANCE between the many things that need to be done, and having a bit of fun along the way.” It definitely strikes a chord with me 🙂

  2. I like to know what I’m letting myself in for, even though I like a variety of things in life and enjoy adventures on holidays in little known resorts. A surprise every now and can be refreshing and one may discover something wonderful totally unexpected..

  3. This looks so good. I got a similar box last Christmas from a client. I’m not supposed to eat chocolate but it was pretty good to look at. I guess just like chocolates they’re things in life that you want but are not necessarily good for you, but you can appreciate it, in my case. Also without a key u just have to dive in, sink or swim. If you don’t try it u will never know.

  4. I have a natural want to experiment and experience.Disappointment does not scare me.
    I have also enjoyed wildly happy times and found genuine treasures along the way.
    By the way,these chocolates look pretty good.
    Try Canadian Laura Secord chocolates sometime,Laurie

    • Roamer — It’s nice when disappointment doesn’t deter someone. Good for you. And THANK YOU for the chocolate recommendation. I’ll definitely check out the Canadian Laura Secord chocolates 🙂

  5. Those chocolates look yummy, Laurie. However, I usually choose 70% cacao chocolate bars, available at Aldi. Sometimes I eat a bite or two after breakfast. The rest of it is eaten when my “writing” energy runs low.

    Thanks for the edible surprise here. I never know what I’m going to find Tuesday mornings! 🙂

  6. I don’t like to use the chocolate guide–I prefer to be surprised and guess what my selection will be. Life choices are pretty much the same–‘let’s see what happens!’ PS: I’ll take the coconut! 😀

  7. Laurie, you call it a key, I call it a map, it takes me where I want to go. I wonder if it would be of much use to hand a person a mapped schedule of their Life? Would they stick to the directions and find themselves delivered safely at their journey’s end? Or would they wander off on the side roads to find adventure and unforeseen roadblocks and washouts? My life has taken so many abrupt curves and hairpin curves in the past few years that I hardly know which of the Cardinal Directions I am facing. I tend to fall backwards, forwards into my Faith, trusting that the Master of the Universe has my whereabouts and marching orders well in hand. In this year of 2020 I believe that a great number of people are using their Faith as a life raft in the rushing flood of astonishing and discouraging events. Multi-purpose tool. Ahoy, there!

  8. I truly can not eat chocolate I am not really tempted after 60 years of avoiding it. I also can’t eat dairy or corn anything – then there is sugar problems I just stick with a bit of real maple syrup in life. When used in cashew cream the syrup makes a treat that meets my needs

  9. I have dietary restrictions, so I eat chocolate that is dairy free. I enjoy a similarly simple but carefully chosen lifestyle. I cook food from scratch, I garden, I often bike for transportation. Thanks, Laurie, great conversation starter.

  10. When it comes to chocolate, I definitely use the key. If one is not included, I usually don’t take a chocolate – I don’t want unpleasant surprises. Chocolates are something I can control everything about. When it comes to life generally, I’m a little more prepared to go with the flow. There are just too many things out of my control there.

  11. I have been salivating since tues ( sorry I’m late, in fact , get later) over that pic of a box of chocolates. 😋 How wonderful is a box of chocolates ( and yet by nature I favour savoury) Just looking at them makes me happy . I can smell and almost taste them , delicious. Sometimes I take one at random for the surprise and other times I read the descriptions and choose delicately depending on my mood .
    You’ve started something now .

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