Murder Mystery

I enjoy writing nonfiction, but I also have fun writing fiction. I currently have a murder mystery simmering on the back burner that I’ll jump back into—with gusto!—once The Business of Being is complete.

The game of Clue offers several options as murder weapons—wrench, rope, candlestick, revolver, lead pipe, and knife.

Hint #7 — A portion of the state where I’m enjoying my sabbatical is considered a paradise for geologists.

Now that I’ve been in my sabbatical location for a while, and my mind’s had ample opportunity to wander, I think death by icicle would make a good way in a murder mystery to eliminate someone (picture me rubbing my hands together with a diabolical glint in my eyes). Unlike a knife used to stab someone, once a spike of ice has melted, there’d be no murder weapon as evidence.

Who is your favorite mystery writer?

Reminder, the caveat of the Looking for Laurie game stipulates: “The first person to type the accurate city and state of my sabbatical location into the comments section of the Mar 28 post will receive a personalized copy of Note to Self: A Seven-Step Path to Gratitude and Growth for themselves or as a gift to someone else.”


65 thoughts on “Murder Mystery

  1. Got cha I’m the first on the list …It must been the butler . Ruth Rendell has to be my favourite without doubt . Did you receive my parcel Laurie I sent it to the address you sent me a weeks ago .

  2. Good choice of weapon; it reminds me of Roald Dahl’s Lamb to the slaughter, when the murderous wife feeds the inspector and some police officers the leg of lamb she used to kill her husband: pure genius! But my ultimate favourite’s got to be from an episode of Misomer Murders in which one of the victims is killed by throwing bottles of wine from his fine cellar at him using a spinning wheel: bonkers, but what a way to go!!! 🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷
    Best of luck with your own murder mystery. 👍

  3. My favourite mystery writer is is Alexander McCall Smith who writes The No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency series set in Botswana as well as other series. Elizabeth George is also an excellent murder mystery writer. Good luck with your idea. I think murder by icicle is perfect!!

  4. Good morning, Laurie. There was a Grey’s Anatomy episode in which one of the main characters was impaled by a falling icicle. (You can Google it.)
    I enjoy mysteries, but there are many sub-genres. I don’t have a favorite. I’m more interested in the characters than in solving a mystery. I agree though that Ruth Rendell was wonderful.

  5. I started reading Donna Leon last year, and I like the insight into Venice and her gentle middle-aged detective. My favorite, though, is Laurie R. King, with her Mary Russel series. She remains true to the things we know about Sherlock Holmes from Doyle’s writing, but gives him an interesting life beyond all that, with a bright, young, female companion.

    • Shirley — I’d definitely come back with a pencil and paper at the end of the week and snag all of the fantastic suggestions readers are leaving. My list is growing by leaps and bounds.

      (And you can’t beat Angela Lansbury in Murder She Wrote) 🙂

  6. I can see that glint in your eye all the way over here on Mayne Island Laurie! My bookcase are behind two layers of large paintings at the moment so no murder mystery titles to share. However, I would like to stretch the question so I can include THE GOLDFINCH by Donna Tartt. There are deaths and lots of mystery but it is not your standard who-done-it formula. Published in 2013 and winner for the Pulitzer Prize it is the story about a boy and a stolen painting. I shall leave it at that. I am sure there are runs of reviews that will provide ample details about the plot and characters.

  7. Laurie, I haven’t the patience nor the inclination to read many mysteries, “who-done-it’s” leave me cold. However, anytime I see a new book by Susan Issac I pick it up. If I am going to read anything that has to do with the untimely demise of someone unknown to me, let it be liberally spiced with good gallows humor and a heroine with a regret nothing, fear less attitude. As a matter of fact, I am reading her “Past Perfect” at present and am enjoying it greatly!

  8. Death by icicle — you made me giggle, Laurie. : )

    Once upon a time, your question would have been easy to answer. In my teens, I would have answered without a second thought — Agatha Christie. As I grow older it gets much harder: Louise Penny, Chevy Stevens, William Deverell and the list continues…

  9. I especially enjoy the “Bones” mysteries because of its forensics component. Icecicles would be an excellent mystery weapon with a good forensics twist. The last mystery I read was Kathy Reich’s Speaking in Bones. It has a short novella as an extra treat, Bones on Ice. A well-heeled parent has her daughter’s body brought down from Everest and arranges for identification by Tempe. You guessed it. The body is not the woman’s daughter. And, the search begins. The title novel is also excellent. I’ll be happy to recycle this and mail it to anyone interested. The first request will be honored.

  10. LIFE is my favorite mystery writer. One never knows what it going to happen and what to expect from day to day. For example, my “healing broken leg” has taught me copious lessons about the mysteries my body and the healing process. Cheers! 🙂

  11. Last Saturday evening we watched an episode in the “Father Brown” series, based on the short stories of G. K. Chesterton. The main character wears clerical garb, so that tells you something. Wacky and entertaining – pick the least likely and you’ve found the culprit.

    Like Darlene, I’ve read some of Alexander McCall Smith’s detective books, which I’d call mystery-lite.

    Laurie, I didn’t know that constant writing makes one diabolical and crafty. What a hoot!

  12. A number of years ago – my first stint with New England living – I raced out of my front door to get to my garage and my car and drive to work after a foot-deep snowstorm, not noticing the humongous icicle hanging in front of the door. The door opening unleashed it from its frozen shelf on the gutter and it hit me on the head so hard I fell into a snow pile. That’s when I shouted murder (and declared I was moving out of NE!!!).
    My favorite mystery author is Louise Penny. Fabulous writing style, character-driven, with a wise 60-something inspector. Start with the first in the series, Still Life.

  13. We watch mysteries on TV so often I haven’t bothered to read any in a good while. Sherlock is our current favorite. There have been so many good ones of late. Broadchurch was outstanding. The Brits seem to have a way. I have found childhood memories of giant icicles hanging off our roof when we lived in Maine. I’m going to forget I ever read your suggestion for icicles! I prefer to remember them as the magical creations they were oh, so many years ago!

  14. Oh Murder Mysteries are my fave…although I have read other genres…just to break it up once in awhile. Those giant icicles look familiar – I have seen them right here in NY but your picture looks more like wilderness to me…..probably a great place to do some serious writing.

  15. I love the idea of murder by icicle but I believe I’ve seen or read it somewhere. It could’ve been Columbo or even Agatha Christie. I’m sure most people wouldn’t remember it or even have seen it or read it. Go for it!

    • Susanne — Good thing I’m working on nonfiction right now and only have that murder weapon—icicle—bouncing around in my brain as a possibility for the fiction book that’s currently on the back burner 🙂

  16. I love my countryman Henning Mankell’s mysteries, especially his Wallander series, but also like many women mystery writers, like Nora Roberts and Lisa Jackson…and we have several great mystery writers in our blogging community too, like Jet Eliot and Susan Vasquez. I’m sure your book will be great too…icicles and all 🙂

  17. Interesting theory as to the death by icicle 😉 Undoubtedly it would be easy to eliminate the weapon … not to mention that crime investigators could presume that it was a “natural death” (meaning: literally by Nature! 😀 ) Happy week, dear Laurie!

  18. Wow second time I have come to your spot to see if you answered a comment and once again my comment is not found here? I was talking about Marti Wingate’s series the Potting Shed Murders and lovely words about English Gardens too…Oh Well… my computer crashed yesterday so maybe that is it? You are back in your hide away now….writing writing

  19. Sounds like fun! Death my Ice spear! With todays CSI’s you won’t get away with it for long.
    Michael Connelly has been my favorite detective murder mystery writer of late… even though I am behind in his series.

  20. Icicle is more creative than ice pick for a murder weapon. Even though Grey’s Anatomy had it in a segment, you can always do a twist on where and how it the icicle is used as a murder weapon.

    As a writer of murder mysteries (the Beyond mystery series) I love reading mysteries and that reading preference goes way back to childhood when I read Nancy Drew, then in my teens Agatha Christie. Since then my list of favorite mystery authors has grown very long. To name a few I like Maureen Jennings (she of the Murdock Mystery TV series which I like as much as the books), Peter Robinson (the Alan Banks police mystery series set in Yorkshire England. The BBC drama based on it is taking too many liberties with the plot and characters – killing off main characters. The actor playing Alan Banks suits the role very well, though). I also like Linwood Barclay (the Promise Falls series and many stand-alones), Rosemary Aubert (the Porter Ellis series) – these are all Canadian authors who are best sellers world-wide. I also like Sue Grafton, Marcia Mueller and her husband Bill Pronzini (spelling?), and a fairly new British author Anne Cleeland. Too many more to mention. Let’s say I read too many to remember to list them all on Goodreads.

    Happy mystery reading and writing.

  21. Your mystery sounds exciting! Best of luck, Laurie!

    *Michelle Cox* *Author of the Henrietta and Inspector Howard series * *Web:* Michellecoxwrite (dot) com | *Tweet:* @michellecox33 |* FB: *Michelle Cox Writes

    On Tue, Feb 21, 2017 at 3:03 AM, Tuesdays with Laurie wrote:

    > Laurie Buchanan posted: “I enjoy writing nonfiction, but I also have fun > writing fiction. I currently have a murder mystery simmering on the back > burner that I’ll jump back into—with gusto!—once The Business of Being is > complete. The game of Clue offers several options as murd” >

  22. Interesting… Have you tried reading Andrea Camilleri’s novels? Famous writer from Sicily In English, of course! I think you would like them. Great perspective on human nature and personalities. Almost like Shakespeare. Will be following you now that I have found your blog!

  23. Ok this is sad but true…my only mystery series has been the Encyclopedia Brown books. I used to read them to my nephews all the time (both in their 30’s now) and I bought a series for my son a while back. Not much of a mystery reader or movie watcher and I’m not sure why lol.

  24. Now that is either sadistic as hell or evil genius for a murder weapon :). That’s like some Stephen King level of creepiness, when is this book going to be written? Skipah makes mental note to never be alone with Laurie when she is on sabbatical without first notifying the authorities of my whereabouts. 🙂

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