Please Join Me on Substack

Dear friends,

Due to the delightful overlap in our online communities (you might already follow me on another platform—Facebook, Instagram, Threads), you might have received this invitation before. If so, kindly disregard it.

However, if this is your first encounter with this invitation, I extend a warm welcome! YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED to join me on Substack, the new platform for my once-a-month newsletter.

What can you expect from my newsletter? Well, it’s a delightful blend of all things Sean McPherson:

  • Author Insights: Discover what I’m up to—my writing process, inspirations, and behind-the-scenes glimpses.
  • Book Recommendations: Dive into the literary worlds I’m exploring. From hidden gems to bestsellers, I’ll share my latest reads and recommendations.
  • Exclusive Updates: Rest assured, I won’t flood your inbox. You’ll receive one monthly newsletter unless something truly exciting happens. Picture limited-time price drops on books, exclusive giveaways, new releases, or even a chance to meet me at a book signing in your neighborhood.

Ready to join the adventure? Click HERE ( to visit my Substack page. Once there, simply click “Subscribe,” and you’re all set! Oh, and please watch the 1.5-minute welcome video I recorded.

Thank you for being part of this literary journey.

Warm regards,
