Looking for Laurie

Somewhat like “Where’s Waldo?” I’m currently in hiding. Well, not hiding exactly, but on a three month sabbatical to finish writing my next book—The Business of Being.

I’ll be in this U.S. location—where I don’t know anyone, and no one knows me—until the last week of March. Social media visits will be rare as I plan to laser-focus on completing the manuscript. However, I’ve reserved Tuesdays to come up for air and visit with online friends here and on your blogs as well.

Hint #1 — I'm not in Palm Springs.

Hint #1 — I’m not in Palm Springs.

The latitude of my hideaway is 46.021587. Hang onto it because my final post from this location (Mar 28) will contain the longitude. Each post between now and then will include a different hint in the photo caption. The first person to type the accurate city and state of my sabbatical location into the comments section of the Mar 28 post will receive a personalized copy of Note to Self: A Seven-Step Path to Gratitude and Growth for themselves or as a gift to someone else.

Sometimes people say, “I’m going away to find myself.” I know exactly where I am, but do you?

© TuesdaysWithLaurie.com