
There’s not another person in the entire world who’s exactly like you. 

Law enforcement agencies and certain governmental departments use FINGERPRINTS to identify people. That’s because no two people in the world have the same prints. 

Scientists in Japan have discovered that our LIPS are distinctive too. Just like fingerprints, lips have little markings on them, tiny grooves in the skin, and each person has a different pattern.

No two people have the same SMELL. Police and other tracking dogs can follow a person’s scent—without getting mixed up—just by the smell (scent trail) a person leaves behind.

EYES, too, are used for identification. Just like fingerprints, every eye in the world is different. 

Our TEETH are different as well. That’s why our dental records can be used for identification.

My favorite thing about me? My earlobes. Definitely my earlobes!

What’s your favorite thing about you?
