The Up Side of Down

Recently I started the early-morning practice of standing on my head. And it’s great (except for the top of my head was getting really sore, not to mention flat)… 

think, Think, THINK

Do you wanna hang around?

Do you wanna hang around?

Of course, an inversion table!

Many people who use an inversion table do so to relieve back and neck pain. But there’s a much wider brushstroke of benefits:

     Stimulates circulation
     Develops balance awareness (great for skydivers, gymnasts, and scuba divers)
     Rejuvenating effects (helps to age gracefully)
     Decongests internal organs
     Increases oxygen to the brain
     Relieves varicose veins
     Promotes an overall sense of wellbeing

Don’t be fooled. Now you’ll know what I really mean if you receive a call from me and I ask, “Do you wanna hang around?”

When was the last time you changed your point of view?

Listen with your heart,

Laurie Buchanan

Whatever you are not changing, you are choosing.”
               — Laurie Buchanan and our Facebook page