Comfort Zone

Willa isn’t fond of getting in the water—at all. It takes courage even to get her paws wet. So when she stepped out of her comfort zone and into Lake Cascade, we were proud of her and happy for her.

Comfort Zone is defined as “behavioral space where your activities and behaviors fit a routine and pattern that minimizes stress and risk.”

Remember when the training wheels were removed from your bicycle? Or the first time you swam without water wings? Trying new things helps us expand our borders.

When was the last time you stepped out of your comfort zone?


67 thoughts on “Comfort Zone

  1. Well done, Willa. You are indeed a brave girl! I hope this will be the first time of many.

    As you know, I love travelling in our motorhome, but not necessarily driving it, so when I did so a few years ago, I really felt on edge all the time and decided I’d rather leave DH to it and I would stick with the more traditional women roles of cooking, washing, etc. I know what I am doing then.

  2. Our dog was the same. Hated the water and only ventured in a few feet to chase minnows on occasion. The minnows were lure enough to take her out of her comfort zone. I guess this could mean there has to be something really appealing outside the zone to draw us there?

  3. Wow what a brave girl …top of the class Willa . I hate motor ways , so much so , I refuse to go anywhere on my own if a motorway is part of the deal . My sister lives at the other end of a motorway so I go on the train to see her .
    Next month is their Ruby wedding …can I step out of my comfort zone and visit her ? …come back in a month’s time and I’ll let you know 😊

  4. Wow, that’s an interesting question. I’ve stepped out of my comfort zone quite a few times in my life — but after 2007 not so much. Maybe it’s time to finally take that hot air balloon trip I’ve had on my bucket list forever but keep putting off (out of fear). 😀

    • Patricia,
      I loved my hot air balloon ride on vacation in Vail, Colorado. It was cool on the ground when we lifted off at dawn but warm as we rose. And then, it was so quiet as we looked at the vista before us. Investigate the company you choose with others who rode with them. Then, just go! You’ll love it!

  5. I have stepped out of my comfort zone many times, at the moment I am wondering what is holding back from expanding once again.
    I am glad Willa made her move to try the water. Muffin, my golden loved water in almost every form except a bath.

    • Jeff — You’ve stepped right into essential oils and foods and it’s interesting for me to watch and read on Instagram.

      Willa’s the same way as Muffin was about baths. Heaven help the person who tries to initiate it 🙂

  6. Each time I sit down to write my memoir, I’m out of my comfort zone. It’s actually an approach-avoidance experience. I feel for you, Willa!

  7. After damaging a nerve in my spine and now growing a new nerve almost everything is out of my comfort zone. If I am going to recover it has to be a daily hourly movement away from the last achievement. I drove to my daughters home a couple of weeks ago. Freeway (with cruise control) worked well navigating city blocks exhausting as I had to use my right hand to move move foot from accelerator to brake fast enough while watching out for so many cars. I did it. Funny part when on freeway and a car tail gated Zip got up from his car seat and barked at the offending car. The cars both dropped back or changed lanes!!! What a team !

  8. Laurie, i was very comfortably ensconced in North Georgia, the home of my family for generations, when Prince Charming showed up at my door with a diamond ring in one hand and an offer I couldn’t refuse in the other. Southern California is 3 time zones away and an entire culture shock region from home. I am wallowing out a place in the desert sand to fit my size and inclination and am reconstructing a small comfort zone of gardens and plants. It’s feeling better.

  9. Oh Laurie, I got both feet wet and took a leap off the diving board this weekend when I opened the Terrill Welch Gallery. What a wonderful, outrageous adventure and it is just beginning! 🙂 Today I am tucked in back at the home studio and know what “comfort zone” feels like.

  10. I’ve stepped out of my comfort zone so often that I can’t count the times. But the last time I did it was this week. Stuart and I are taking care of Lydia, our third grandchild. We have to learn baby language all over again and climb three flights of steps several times a day. We feel so grateful that we can do this, and our children are grateful too.

  11. Sounds like Willa trusts you a lot. Good for you both.

    I wish Sasha hated the water, even just a bit. Her hair is so thick that it takes hours for her to dry off. But that’ll be another upside to keeping her restricted again. It’s a great picture, btw.

  12. Love this photo and the question! While I’ve waded into the waters of vulnerability many times through the years, the most recent big leap has been writing essays about my journey with ovarian cancer in “living with what is.” I have appreciated your support as I’ve waded into the waters once again. -Kathleen (

  13. Laurie,
    I don’t spend much time in my comfort zone. Growth demands change and change is stressful. In my short time on this perturbed planet, I have learned that what is not growing is dying.

  14. I wrote a novel! Whew, still hard to wrap my head around it. And then I went out and wrote another one. LOL Am I crazy? Yes, because I’ve started working on a third one! Aiieeeeee! 😉


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