Zenergistic Flow

Rather than make New Year’s resolutions, each year I select a single word to focus on in the upcoming year. In 2013 it was Peace. Last year it was Serendipity. In 2015 my focus word is Flow.

Not as in “Go with (or against) the flow…”

…but as being a vessel for zenergy that is positive, uplifting, constructive, and healing; a channel for peace, joy, kindness, encouragement, compassion, creativity, and Light.

An enthusiastic proponent of affirmations, this year’s positive supporting statement — I invite the infinite good of the Universe to flow through me — targets how I choose to be in the world.

“Feel it, flow with it, infuse with it, believe it. Time to let the magic begin.” — Trudy Vesotsky

Do you have a focus word this year?

© TuesdaysWithLaurie.com

84 thoughts on “Zenergistic Flow

  1. Your interpretation of FLOW suggests openness and synergy, just like you. Virginia Woolf said, “I am rooted but I flow.” I like that!

    My word? Still thinking – but it may be “advance.”

    • Marian — I love the Virginia Woolf quote you shared. I like the forward momentum and vitality that surrounds the word advance! Please come back and let me know if you decide on it, or choose another word instead 🙂

  2. This word and your take on it is something everyone should think about and adopt. With our world filled with so much negativity, we all need to bring “peace, joy, kindness, encouragement, compassion, creativity, and Light” into the world. Thanks Laurie!

    • Joan — It’s fun to put our own spin on things. For instance, I prefer the word “refridgerator” spelled with a “d” so I write it that way (thankfully, no one’s grading me any more) 🙂

  3. I had just read another persons blog that I follow and he use the word of the year too. He had thought it was a good way to focus is journey! His word was perseverance, the word on Question of the day this morning was Tenacity. So the universe has place the same language around the planet. To move forward, which is exactly what is happening in my life right now!

    • Jeff — My friend Marian is thinking of focusing on the word “advance” which is right up your current alley as well. The best of everything to you as you tenaciously persevere on your forward journey 🙂

  4. Lauriie, You know, I hadn’t thought of it for myself although I know it is a annual practice for you. Having given it some thought, I think I will choose the word “Focus” as my focus word. I feel I have the unfortunate habit of assigning the same amount of importance to every item on my Daily Agenda, priorities get scrambled in with the non-essentials and become lost in shuffle. So, if I can hone in on 2 or 3 or even 1 subject to devote my time and attention to, perhaps I can gain major progress in those areas and something, anything, can be brought completely to fruition before I go haring off in another direction. Thank you for this inspiration!

  5. Great choice for you, Laurie. I have not given serious thought to having a word for the year – I tend to just go one day at a time, going with the “flow”. Maybe I should consider it, maybe I should take charge and direct my flow. Hmmm.

  6. No one word for me, this year, Laurie, but our goals are very alike. I’m resolved to check my motives, and my thinking, in every situation, and make certain I am coming from a place of love, compassion, and honesty.

    • Cynthia — Our perspectives are in alignment. I fully believe that God (Goddess, Universe, Creator, Source Energy,…) isn’t so much concerned with what we do, but is extremely interested in WHY we do (or refrain from doing) things. Motive is the bottom line.

    • Roamer — HONEST, especially as it relates to the relationship with self and time is fantastic. (I’m going to be HONEST with you and tell you right now Ithat ‘m making a note of this as a possible focus word for myself next year)… 🙂

  7. I love this idea Laurie ( only because I’m hopeless with New Years Resolutions ) no seriously this year I have chosen RELATIONSHIP . I have had many years that I have shut myself away and last year I had a relationship with me ,meaning ,I got to know and like me.
    This year I want a relationship with all who have stood by me husband, son , family, friends
    and , wait for it , new friends . I can’t begin to tell you how friendly my new community is, they give so much, I turn around and think is it me they want to be friends with . So RELATIONSHIP is big for me this year. Love yours .

  8. You introduced me to focus words last year, Laurie. I choose ‘keep’ — as in keep writing, submitting, revising, learning the craft. And that worked so well I’m tempted to keep ‘keep’. But I will sit with it for a few days before deciding.

      • 😊. Asked the hubs to help me brainstorm. I wanted our word to be a word we both could get behind. So we chose THRIVE!!! Definitely sums up way of living and I can only imagine how great 2015 is gonna be with that as our focus! Thanks for the post!!

      • Feasting on Sunshine — THRIVE is a delicious and juicy focus word with loads of gusto and forward propulsion behind it. Woot Woot — you guys picked a winner! 🙂

  9. In 2014 my word was CONNECT. I had not selected a word for this year yet, but I think maybe NOTICE or REFLECT will win the race. Last year I traveled more than 19,000 miles and gave many book talks. This year I want to get the the Box in the Basement. I want to be CURIOUS about what I find there.

    Hmm. I think the word NOTICE speaks to me the most right now. Thanks for the challenge, Laurie. Good FLOW to you!

    • Shirley — NOTICE is a gem of a focus word and fits hand-in-glove with one of the most observant people I know — YOU! I, too, am excited to learn more about the Box in the Basement as I’m certain (or at least hoping to pieces) that you’ll reveal bits and pieces to your avid blog readers 🙂

  10. Great idea Laurie, after spending time with the beautiful Fijians I think my word for this year is “GENEROUS” and that always leads to abundance. Thankyou and Happy New Year. 🙂

      • I have decided Laurie – my word for the year is “tenacity” best understood by a few of its synonyms: persistence, determination, perseverance, strength of purpose, tirelessness, resolution, resolve, firmness, patience, purposefulness, steadfastness, staying power, endurance, and stamina.

  11. If I am remembering correctly, I chose “gratitude” in 2013, and “abundance” in 2014.

    I’ve been ruminating on what my word for this year might be, but am not quite through with the deliberation process. I’m leaning towards “acceptance” but have a few others swirling around in my head, such as “adaptation” or “immersion”. Not quite sure yet. Another top contender is the word “generosity”, but I’m giving it a little more time to let the word settle into me and become known. When I’ve made a decision, I’ll likely find a way to write about it, which would be good, since my blog has been quiet for a few weeks now.

    Your word, flow, is a beautiful way to LIVE the word, as well as use it as a compass point.

    • Ntexas99 — Ohhhh, their each wonderful in their own way: ACCEPTANCE, ADAPTATION, IMMERSION, and GENEROSITY. It’s going to be a tough choice, but I know the one you select will be perfect for this year. Please come back and let me know this year’s winner once you’ve decided 🙂

  12. I use one word mantras also. When I want to fall asleep, I might use “peace” or “calm”. When I’m walking, I might use “healthy” or “thin”. When I’m doing sprints, I use “strength”. I like to mix it up, but I have to say, I could see using “flow” all day long!

  13. … and now here I am, thanks in a round-about way to Shirley Hershey Showalter. 🙂 My word for this year is INTEGRATION, with a side dish of “deep democracy” (all “votes” are equal in life, including mine).

  14. Wow! That’s a wonderful sentiment for the year. Can we sign up on that too 🙂 ? Otherwise my focus word for this year would be “nature”. Happy 2015 Laurie!

  15. Most years I have had a word! I wish I’d journaled more about that and kept a record. This year I don’t have just one word, which I find interesting, but I have such a sense of movement and change. I feel myself shifting–priorities and perspectives. Maybe “shit” is my word, but it isn’t very melodious. Flow is wonderful. I definitely like that. 🙂

  16. I’d never thought of a word for the year but I like yours. Flow has so many positive meanings and makes me think of water slowly working away at rock over the year, smoothing it and making its mark.

  17. Flow is a beautiful word and a beautiful thought. I will add my 2015 word to that – LIGHT. May light flow through our words, our actions, (in my case, my writing and publishing), our love throughout the year. xo

  18. Laurie, Best Wishes for a Grand 2015! Th I also select a word for the new year. However, I was so immersed in my revisions for my new book that I forgot to contemplate my new word for the year.

    In March, I will be the Scholar In Residence at lovely synagogue in New Jersey. My theme for my residency will be “Tikkun Olam,” which in Hebrew means to Heal, Repair, and Transform the World.

    This year, I will begin my “Tikkun Olam” with myself, continue with my Family, which will connect with our Communities, and ultimately and hopefully to others around the World.

    Thank you for the reminder.

  19. Ah Laurie, my focus word is ‘recovery.’ It may take a very long time to get over a family tragedy, and at this point I don’t know what to do, or how to proceed. I rely on time, but in view of all the memories I question whether there can ever be full recovery.

    As always, a provocative and contemplative post.

  20. Hi Laurie,

    I like the way you define your “focus word” for 2015 very much. “Being”. And I DO love natural “magic”.

    Wishing you ALL possible success and EVERY happiness in the coming year of 2015.

    Fondly !!

  21. Laurie, I too have settled on a single word for 2015. It came out of my response to Joan Z Rough’s blog of a few weeks ago. I’ll be writing more about this, but for now I’ll share that my word is Connection. The noun, not so much the verb. I want to increase my awareness of how I enable or disable connection with others in my life; I want to better understand how important my connections are to me; and I want to look at the quality as well as the quantity of connections I have made, am making, and will make. My next blog is practically written now. Thanks. 🙂

    • Janet — I love that you’re going to look at how you enable or disable CONNECTION with others in your life, along with the quality and quantity. I suspect the outcome(s) will be fascinating as to the whys and wherefores 🙂

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