Got Moxie?

Our walk to the dog park takes us past a place where people can safely leave their bikes. Clearly, one of the bicyclists marches to the beat of a different drummer. In other words, they’ve got moxie!


Merriam-Webster Dictionary
Moxie: noun
Force of character, determination, courage or nerve, savvy, know-how.
Example: “She showed a lot of moxie in questioning the policy.”

We’ve all got it — moxie — yet often hide it under a bushel basket.

When was the last time you showed your moxie?

© Laurie Buchanan

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60 thoughts on “Got Moxie?

  1. Moxie is when you say what you think no matter what anyone else’s opinion is. It’s about being honest with yourself, too. It’s hard. It takes lots of practice.

  2. Moxie is my middle name. I love to make a splash! I think I’ll make a big one today when the almost 2,000 pansies I ordered for my client get delivered to their home. Then I get to get down and dirty, trowel in hand, making good my word that it will be gorgeous when I am done.

  3. Well Laurie, if moxie is taking initiative even when you are unsure what you are doing and having the drive to see it through – then this is my go-to place. I like to try new things, like the numbers game I came up with the Open Studio event this coming weekend. I am not afraid to be seen as a little odd rather than ordinary in my deep purple tunic with a blue-red sweater over top on a rainy day. Life happens and I’m in it with both feet and singing its praises by heart. My head just has to stay alert enough to keep up 😉

    • Terrill — I absolutely LOVE the word picture you painted. I have every confidence that your Open Studio event this weekend is going to be a Smashing Success, and I can hardly wait to read about it either on Facebook and/or your Creative Potager blog 🙂

  4. I got moxie about two days ago when I found myself on face book but I have no idea what to do with it . I have always wanted to be a part of the buzz of social media but these blogs are about my limit .
    When one of my lovely blog ladies ( Nicole from Cauldrons and Cupcakes if you haven’t discovered her she is good) invited everyone on face book for a party …well Laurie I didn’t want to miss out so I had a go, and now I have people I know popping up, saying they accept me as their friend …but I’m lost . I sure I will learn .
    So I think It was a ‘moxie’ thing to attempt …for me don’t you ?

  5. Sometimes moxie means encouraging others to have fun and exercise there creativity. I’m a good moxie cheerleader. : ) And I’ve always marched, danced and jogged to my own drummer–I can’t help it. (thank goodness) : )

  6. Sometimes I’m really moxie–quite often when writing and blogging. Sometimes, just the opposite and feel oh-so-ordinary. Last moxie time? Laurie, I have no idea. It’s so hard to pull back on a past moment!

  7. The last time I showed my “moxie?” Oh boy. You know what time of the year it is right Laurie? Today is Election Day. Typically when passions run high one gets wound up in the proceedings. I won’t soil these noble pages with my party affiliation but will only say I posed and said things that I would normally keep under a blanket. 🙂 🙂 )

    All in good sport. Tomorrow we all go back to work no matter what happens.

    Great post!

    • Ted — Trust me my friend, YOU’VE got Moxie! 🙂 Even if you’ve never heard the term, you’ve got it down to the very core of your being. It’s one of the reasons I admire you so doggone much! 🙂

  8. I was so caught up in the election yesterday I didn’t post. So enjoy all the comments and your always witty and supportive responses.
    I’ve shown great moxie all my life: solo backpacking in the Canadian Rockies in my younger days (thankfully my uncle in the Calgary area made sure I was appropriately outfitted for mountain weather or my moxie would have been very frozen); showing political moxie marching down Michigan avenue in Chicago for women’s rights back in the 1970’s, most recently successfully advocating with a Friends Group for a national IL/WISC wildlife refuge. Never shy to speak my piece especially when social justice was involved.
    Anytime we move out of our comfort zone we are showing some degree of moxie don’t you think. I could use more moxie on the fashion front … a little drab at present. Thanks Laurie another fun Tuesday into Wednesday.

    • Audrey — Oh my gosh, I completely missed your wonderful comment, chock full of great personal examples! I’m so glad your uncle made sure you were appropriately outfitted for mountain weather so your moxie didn’t freeze, and you went on to great heights from there! 🙂

      • Thanks Laurie. I knew you’d “find” me … yes my uncle saved me. On the second night in the mountains I woke up with teeth chattering to find frost covering everything. Without all the additional items he gave me I could have easily been hit with hypothermia. So I guess I learned the distinction that year between “moxie” and “foolish unpreparedness”. And, because I accepted his help I had a very special experience I’ll never forget.

  9. What a wonderful word! I’ve been learning English for over 30 years and had never come across it before. I will definitely add it to my pool of knowledge. I hate failing at things and the time I showed the most ‘moxie’ was trying to pass my driving test as it took me over a year and 2 tries! I was terrified the second time round and my left leg kept shaking on the clutch, making a constant clickety-clack noise. I apologised to the examiner, but he very kindly said to me: “you’re not the first and you won’t be the last”. That gave me even more courage to continue and I passed!

    • Marie — Thank you for your visit. Like you, I’m not fond of riding on busy roads; way to scary! We live less than a block from a no-vehicles-allowed, paved bike path — the Boise River Greenbelt.

  10. Every time I put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard), I show moxie. Shivering, petrified, passionate moxie. 🙂 I’ve just added your blog to my blogroll of “blogs I love.” Thanks for keeping us thinking.

  11. Great question, Laurie, as usual. I tend to be one of those people who lets their moxie show a bit too often, perhaps. Hope you are doing well. So sorry to have been absent of late. Lots of excuses. None of them good enough. I’ve missed you!

    Hugs from Ecuador,

  12. This one got me to wondering. Seems as if my moxie has been muffled for a while now, and honestly, I can’t even remember an incident in my recent past that would qualify for flexing my moxie. I suppose on a small scale, it might be when I put sparkly clips in my hair on an otherwise ordinary day, for no better reason than because everyone needs a bit of sparkle in their lives. Mini moxie, perhaps? 🙂

    • Ntexas99 — I think that sparkly clips in your hair on an otherwise ordinary day is a wonderful example of Moxie. And I really like the idea of “Mini Moxie!” Sometimes smaller steps or bite-sized pieces are the best way to get from Point A to Point B 🙂

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