Clinging Vines

When I was a little girl my mother would sometimes take me with her to shop for groceries at FedMart in Escondido, California. Before we entered the store she’d remind me to “Stay close” — encouraging me to “cling” to her so I wouldn’t get lost.

Clinging Vines

Before long I’d be mesmerized by the wide variety of items within easy reach and wander off. One time I remember looking up at a strange woman and in astonishment gasped, “You’re not my mother!” Mom knew I’d separated from her and was watching the scene unfold from behind. She reminded me — yet again — “Stay close.”

As an adult, I no longer have to “stay close” for fear of getting lost, but I do live close to certain ideas — Namaste‘ being one. I embrace the idea that there is a divine spark in each of us that deserves recognition and respect.

What do you cling to?

© Laurie Buchanan

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60 thoughts on “Clinging Vines

  1. Laurie, like you Namaste is a guiding factor in my belief system. I hold fast to the premise that we are all inter-connected throughout this Universe, we are all part of the Whole. The same Spark of Life that caused the amoeba to split also courses through the oldest tree and through you and me. No one part of this Body of Life can operate independently of the rest, we are truly One.

    • Sandi – “Interconnected” and “One” — these are the words that jumped out of your comment. Yes indeed, “we are all part of the whole.”

      Thank you for your visit today. Make it great! 🙂

  2. Like you, I also believe we all deserve to have our spiritual beliefs respected.

    One idea I cling to is that it’s far better to eat food that is found in the natural world or is created naturally (like butter) than to eat any synthetic (like margarine) or genetically modified foods. It’s been the common thread through all the diet changes I’ve made over the years.

  3. I draw sustenance from my family and from my faith in God. And I like to hear my instructor say “namaste” at the end of my yoga or Pilates sessions each week. Great question as always, Laurie.

  4. Raising my daughters, I invited them to share in keeping us connected. Rather than compel them to take full responsibility or for me to, I’ve held onto the belief that a shared connection is healthier and less fear-based or authoritarian.
    I learned that some of their school teachers held a different view and this brought up some confusion in my girls. It also upset some teachers who demanded tight control. This, in turn, helped me teach my kids to know there are many world views, and that returning to focusing on the connections between us can include and embrace these fearful ones.

  5. I suppose Laurie the idea I may be incline to cling to is “it will all work out as it should in the end.” I save it mostly for when I am confused and frustrated or feeling great loss.

  6. Nun, ich erinnere mich, dass ich 1955 als Bezirksschüler in den Sommerferien Mäuse gefangen habe. Normal trug ich die toten Mäuse in einer Ledertasche nach Hause, manchmal jedoch auch in meinen Hosentaschen.
    Wenn meine Mutter vor dem Waschtag die Wäsche am Vorabend einweichte, fand Sie am nächsten Morgen dann manchmal eine Maus im Wäschebecken. Sie war dann nicht begeistert, rief mich und ich musste meinen Fang wieder mitnehmen.
    Liebe Grüsse Ernst

    Well, I remember that I have caught in 1955 as a district school during the summer holidays mice. Normally I carried the dead mice in a leather bag home, but sometimes in my pockets.
    If my mother soaking the laundry on the eve before wash day, she found the next morning, then sometimes a mouse in the wash basin. She was not thrilled then, called me and I had to take my fishing again.
    Greetings Ernst

  7. I hate prejudice of any sort Laurie and I cling on tight to that belief . When everyone around me tries to change my mind I totally ignore them and stick to my guns . I am so proud of myself for that .

  8. All I remember is my brother telling me to “get lost”!!! LOL
    Through the process of discovering who I am, I have discover who everyone else is! From the Divine perspective we are all One! It is our response or reactions that create the uniqueness/personality.

  9. I cling to Presence, probably, most of all. But lately have been resonating more with the *divine spark*, believe it or not. Don’t want to be too far away from this sparkler…

  10. I do cling to manners, which is probably very strange and not very spiritual. I also cling to honor because it’s a code that helps me live on a day to day level and also when the big stuff happens.

    • Luanne – I love it that you place a high premium on manners. I do too. Right, wrong, or in-between, I have a high courtesy/manner expectation of myself and others.

      And honor (integrity). Don’t get me started. And justice. I’m on a roll now!…

  11. You have put a positive spin on clinging, Laurie. That makes me reconsider the meaning of the question. I cling to the idea that love will win in the end. Sometimes the news seems so frightening, the number of challenges so huge, but then I remind myself that God is still whispering “stay close.”

    • Shirley – When I read your comment I’m absolutely certain I heard (in the waaaaay distant background) Captain & Tennille burst into song: Love Will Keep Us Together!

      Like you, every day I hear (up close and personal), “stay close” whispered by Divine Love.

  12. Namasté is the best cling to I’ve heard as it shares the good in all of us together. I cling to life and am grateful to have met you. I cling to change and answers that help keep my mind on the mountain of the goals in life–striving to aim high and seeking others that see the good and love the growing of expanding and making a better world.

  13. I certainly love the philosophical underpinning of this post, and like many respondents I do believe that we are all connected. I tend to cling to memories. This can be either a hindrance in moving forward or in a far more positive sense the ability and abiding affection to hold on to people and experiences that we continue to cherish decades after. People will readily say that one cannot live in the past, but it’s just as difficult in ways to let it go.

    Marvelous post!!!

    • Sam – I love what you cling to! I’m of the persuasion that the ONLY thing we can take with us once we draw our last breath is MEMORIES! That’s why I work really hard at making them good 🙂

  14. I am afraid I cling to pizza….and thus I cling to some cheese in my intolerant, undigestible state…
    Kindness is my underlying philosophy which always brings me to beauty and inspiration.

    Tonight I am clinging to the memory of a beautiful concert by Joan Baez…and that makes me inspired by peaceful action….she is still doing the work…so can I…with a bit of pizza on the side ( WILD PLATE has a wonderful vegan raw pizza recipe – no animal products including the cheese!)

    • Patricia — I resonate with what you said, “Kindness is my underlying philosophy which always brings me to beauty and inspiration.”

      Like you, I love the music and work of Joan Baez (and pizza, too)…

  15. Hi Laurie

    I don’t cling to much.
    I’m about as open to change as anyone, and I need evidence to support change.

    And I definitely not what anyone would describe as a minimalist. I collect stuff, at all levels, from the most simple physical to the most complex abstract.

    • Ted – Well I sure hope you’ll hang on to Ailsa for dear life. She’s definitely a keeper! 🙂

      All kidding aside…I know you thoughtfully enjoy evidence that supports change. I applaud that. Anything that can’t stand up to scrutiny probably doesn’t have much value.

      And I know we’re at opposite ends of the pole when it comes to stuff (at least material items), but that’s what keeps things interesting 🙂

  16. Your story reminded me of when I was little girl and my little sister would always get lost at the supermarket. We would hear them announce it over the loudspeaker. It’s funny now, and I don’t ever remember my mom panicking the way I would have if it had happened with my own children.

    I try my best to be a good person, and I’ve always tried to live my life so that my daughters would be proud of me.

  17. Oh, how this post helped me remember a time just like you describe. The SHOCK when I found out that the woman’s hand I clung to was not my mother’s. Scary, scary. However, I also cling to a believe system, a Namaste of the spark of the divine in each of us, YES, and the knowledge that love – to all – is the way to peace and understanding.

  18. I cling to the fading hope that I may some year win my golf club championship. And I also cling to the rope that hangs from the deck of an imaginary ship where “successful” writers live. The difference is in the first I’m sliding inevitably downward into the sea of impossible, but in the second, I’m inching my way upward with every word I write and every new thing I learn about writing.


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