Jumping through Mental Hoops – Swoosh!

Our brains—like muscles—become stronger with use. Excuses be gone! There are oh-so-many ways to exercise our brains:

  • The ever popular, jumping to conclusions.
  • Who among us hasn’t tried pushing their luck?
  • Dodging deadlines is always good for an extra shot of adrenaline!
  • There’s the time-tested jogging our memory.
  • Raising the bar of unrealistic expectations.
  • The tried-and-true limiting oneself by running out of options.
  • Stretching the truth forces us to keep double mental books—an especially vigorous workout for the brain!

When was the last time you exercised benefit of the doubt?

Post Script
Nan Palmer, I snuck into your gear…
A special thank you to my friend, Jill Witty, for taking the photograph.

Listen with your heart,

Laurie Buchanan

Whatever you are not changing, you are choosing.”
— Laurie Buchanan

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© 2012 Laurie Buchanan– All Rights Reserved

55 thoughts on “Jumping through Mental Hoops – Swoosh!

  1. I love the way you used such physical words – makes me appreciate all the more what my brain goes through – or potentially can — every day! Cool!

  2. Like Carole (up above) I am ready to quit working out with that bar of expectations. Never, ever, ever works out. Would rather just stretch my understanding and Presence with others higher and higher…

  3. Exercising the brain becomes evermore important as the years pass by, and I try, I try. I would much prefer to exercise my brain than my body, I must admit.

  4. Hi Laurie

    Guilty as charged – on all counts.

    I’m working at avoiding truth stretches, and I sometimes still find myself doing them.

    I like the Zen concept, that the mind is like a wild stallion, and we must give it freedom and kindness if we want it to settle to our will without being broken. And sometimes it will run off if there is nothing pressing to hold it to us.

    I have my morning work-outs at ANG and kurzweilAI, with visits here, capital institute, and many other sites from time to time.

    The view from the kitchen window is glorious this morning. The ocean is very calm, the 9,000ft mountains 10 miles away are about half covered in fresh white snow, and the light has a clarity that comes after a southerly from has gone through, and we now have Antarctic air with its amazing clarity (can see over 100 miles). The dawn chorus this morning was glorious also, and I’m now settled in my chair with laptop and bowl of rolled oats with raisins and gogi berries. All lovely exercise for the mind, if not the body.
    Ailsa is busy knitting a sock, just about to the heel of this one.

    Benefit of the doubt is with me at all times.
    I have little, if any, certainty in my life.

    A train is just passing through town (about 2 miles from us at closest approach) and winding its way up the coast. Just present to how fortunate we are to be so far from the noise and hubbub, and in such peace, tranquillity and beauty, yet enjoy all the benefits of technology.

  5. I have exercised them all at one time or another. Can’t say they did much for the strengthening of my mind, but they caused me to be quicker, in case I left a trail to cover.

  6. Unfortunately in our selfish “me” world benefit of the doubt and second chances must be administered with discernment and the expectation of being disappointed anyway. Unfortunately I have become cynical . The best I can do is keep my side of the street clean so that I merit such considerations and act responsibly.

  7. a wonder full play on words Laurie – I have been watching my elder sibling deal with a dementia caused by smoking and drinking – kind of a weekend alcoholic all his life. I made up my mind, I would keep learning new things all the time and not give up reading. I have also found that BRAIN AGE I and II have been remarkable Nintendo games that have finally helped me deal with numbers in better sequencing….And yet, right now when I am stretching for a word or thought when under stress – it just disappears. My partner’s constant interrupting when I am trying to convey something important – I am concentrating on the idea and when he interrupts it disappears. frustrating…
    Walking does help and oxygen is such a magnificent assistant 🙂

    A very fun way with words Thank you for sharing

  8. My favourite brain exercise Laurie is believing two unrelated things are actually a natural pairing. Sometimes this leads to disastrous made-up and unbelievable results and other times these crazy mixing and matching of spurious bits of information, ideas and materials lead to the most satisfying analogies which help to make – even if made up – sense of my life. This exercise gives “jumping to conclusions” a whole new gym to play in 🙂

  9. Exercising my benefit of the doubt with your wonderful examples, reminds me that I do this at times when the choice of yes, no or maybe come to play and I am stuck with maybe until I have more data to come to a workable conclusion. Great blog… leaves me pondering on all of the cool heartfelt answers. : ) ❤

  10. Oh, and about exercising your brain—check out this wonderful book by Kelly McGonigal–The Willpower Instinct, It is all about exercising that big muscle, the brain.

  11. Laurie– I just exercised the ‘benefit of a doubt’ this morning when decided against my better judgement to accept an excuse from a fifth-grader for not turning in a homeowk assigment worksheet for the novel we are presently reading. The explanation was that (he) completed the assignment but “left it on the kitchen table.” The ‘benefit of a doubt’ will be extended only to the point when a similar exuse will be offered down the line. Past experiences suggest that leniency for this exuse is usually a poor academic investment. But then, we must always try and steer clear of assumptions. Ha!

  12. Pingback: Hoops | Ted Howard NZ's Blog

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