Squishy Buns – My Favorite Writing Tool

What do Barnes & Noble, the public library, and coffee shops like Starbuck’s, Caribou, and Conscious Cup all have in common?

The Goldilocks Syndrome—Papa Bear’s hard wooden chairs!

When writing, I sit for extended periods of time. This can result in painful bunuelos—not the tasty Mexican fritters; we’re talking sore butt cheeks!

I love my squishy buns. This ergonomically designed chair-topper feels like thick, gel-filled neoprene. The crease where it folds for easy storage in my backpack has a center-relieved groove that eliminates pressure on the tailbone—ahhh—making it comfortable to sit for hours on end (pun intended).

When our mind isn’t focused on sore buns, it’s free to court creative thoughts and original ideas and spin them into gold.

What’s your favorite writing tool?

If you enjoyed this post, you might also like A Chair for your Derrière? Take a Stand!

Listen with your heart,

Laurie Buchanan

Whatever you are not changing, you are choosing.”
— Laurie Buchanan

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© 2012 Laurie Buchanan– All Rights Reserved

86 thoughts on “Squishy Buns – My Favorite Writing Tool

  1. My favorite writing tool has got to be the computer!!
    When I think of the wasted time on a typewriter when computers were only for the government or the very rich.

    Spellcheck is a God Send as well…..liquid White out! Not…

    Oh and I love my once in a while editor Laurie who always has thought provoking critiques.
    Thank You!!

  2. Squishy buns…oh gosh, it’s good to start the morning with a big smile, Laurie! Looks like a lovely gold-spinning tool. I would agree with Kim: the computer is my favorite writing tool. A mind that witnesses words coming out of the typing fingers is high on the list, too. Have a good spring week, my friend.

  3. Laurie,

    are you doing product placement here on your blog? You know how your fan’s eat up your words and believe in what you say, mentioning a half a dozen coffee shops, along with “squishy buns” could cause a rash of buying and attending said coffee shops? LOL

    I never heard of this things, I have been sitting on the dinning room chair with pillows under me and to my back.

    My favorite writing tool is my mind, and of course my heart.

  4. Never heard of squishy buns! I think they will be my new favorite writing tools very soon. Up till now my favorite writing tools have been my laptops – each one more useful than the last thanks to the resident computer wizard.

  5. That’s a nifty little “tool” indeed! However, the title got me craving other kind of buns for which, sadly, there is no healthy alternative 🙂

  6. Oh my… Squishy Buns look AWESOME (and something you’d want to take to a conference as well; rarely are those chairs comfy). My favorite writing tool…probably the voice recorder mechanism on my iPhone. It seems, when I’m running, I come up with lines for my fiction that, if I don’t capture immediately, become lost. And of course, Betty is my other writing tool – my Jeep; she provides such inspiration.

    • Melissa – Oh sheesh! It didn’t even occur to me to take my squishy buns to the Writers’ Institute at UW-Madison. I love that you use the recording aspect of your iPhone! And of course your trusty side-kick, Betty!

  7. Who knew there even was such a thing? Pretty cool. Definitely, my favorite writing tool is my laptop–though that may be an awfully obvious answer. Hope you have a good day, Laurie!

  8. Wow, let’s hear it for the rearview mirror of life, the derrieres that I’ve seen in the windows of stores (mine), which followed me a block after I had passed, and now a smaller more modest one, befitting a blogger. what a great idea! hugs

  9. We just bought my husband a specialty chair for him to use when drawing ( he is an architect) He has Rheumatoid Arthritis in his spine and wow does the right chair make a difference for him
    I tend to push with my feet into the floor when writing….I have started enjoying my laptop in a different chair and my feet up on the ottoman to relieve the pressure on my Plantar Fasicistis ( can not find the right spelling for this) It has been a good tool to relieve the pain

    I love your chair cushion and it looks delightful

  10. Hi,
    You are so right about the hard chairs, it is the same with these place in Australia as well, I think they use chairs with no padding because they are easier to maintain, no rips etc.
    I love the squishy buns, I have never heard of these before, what a great idea, and easy to carry around as well. A very good find. 😀

    • Magsx2 – I think you’re absolutely right abut wooden chairs being low/no maintenance, which in turn saves repair costs, which in turn keeps prices lower. All-in-all a good idea…except for the sore buns part 🙂

  11. My favorite writing tool is my brain although the laptop makes for easier transfer of information, thoughts and downright fiction. But what I want to know is where did you get those things? I’m sure they won’t fit in my jeans but they are portable. What God didn’t send, you should amend.

  12. I have my “Zero Gravity” recliner chair, and my “Toshiba Portege R830”, which spends most of its time on my lap while my butt is in the recliner.

    And I am very interested in those gel pads of your’s Laurie – where did you get them, what are they called – I just googled squishy buns and didn’t find them ;-(

    • Ted – I don’t know what they’re really called — that’s just what I call them. Here is a link to the website where I got mine: http://www.gelcoproducts.com/. Please know that there are other brands out there as well. And someone told me earlier than you can get them from Amazon.com for a pretty good price, too.

      I used to have a Zero Gravity chair for my reflexology clients to “float” in. Unfortunately, one of them was well over the weight requirement and I no longer have it — but it was fantastic while it lasted 🙂

  13. Laurie, Thank you for this Green Brain information. I am going to pass the information onto my colllege roommate, who always carries a “U” shaped neck pillow to sit on because of her tail bone. My favorite writting tools are my storyboards, the view out my office windows into my gardens and hot delicious cup of tea!

    • Sheila – I think you’re college roommate will flip for this! Oh, you’ve listed some wonderful tools here: storyboards, a delicious garden view, and a cuppa tea. That robust combination would certainly prime the pump!

  14. Laurie I have a ball chair but after extended periods of time I still end up with a sore backside. I take it as a sign it must be time to get up and move. I am thinking I have three writing tools besides chair and laptop. They are my PJs warm slippers and morning coffee. I like to write first thing most days. I often stay up late to edit photographs and then I will write the post to go with them in the morning.

  15. What a great idea! My mom would have loved that. She had a bad back, culminating in the tailbone and used to carry around her own cushion. Something that light and portable would really have appealed to her – me too, as I’ve inherited her bad back (lucky me!). I will definitely look for those Squishy Buns. Thanks for letting us know! 🙂

  16. My favorite writing tool used to be a typewriter, but now like everyone else the writing is done on the PC in one capacity or another. But writing is a thought process, and it’s what ultimately fuels the method by which it is transcribed. But you definitely have the right idea there Laurie. Hard wooden chairs are hardly any kind of comfort impetus. Ha!

    • Sam – By golly, it is a process — with lots of elements involved. Like you, I’ve gone from typewriter, to laptop (I’m grateful for technology, especially when it works without a hitch). Here’s to a wonderful Memorial Day weekend for you and yours 🙂

  17. I’m with the other commenters who voted for the computer as a fave writing tool, but those squishy buns look pretty awesome as well! Do I have to pick just *one* tool? 😉

  18. Oh wow, those, (or should it be that? Lol) look brilliant! I want one 🙂

    My favourite writing tool has to be my Swarovski pen. It’s a biro and then you pull it apart to reveal a USB stick….I love it!!!! 🙂


  19. I love sitting at the table my husband made for my laptop in a little nook of the sunroom. The best part is having a wonderful view of our backyard with its flower gardens. I can see birds flitting about and hummers at the feeder.

  20. What’s NOT to like about “Squishy Buns”…so much nicer than the solid kind 😛
    It really is those little comforts that make all the difference, isn’t it? So nice that yours is portable- so convenient!

  21. all this talk about buns is making me hungry; my favorite writing tool(s) is a long walk and no interruptions; during the long walk, I empty my mind of all the junk that likes to hover around and annoy me; once I get to writing sentences in my head about an idea, I turn for home and write them down; the benefit lasts for a few days; once I am working on a piece, I just have to sit quietly with it for a few minutes to let the words come.

    • Barbara – Yes, sweet buns, sticky buns, honey buns…they definitely rev up the appetite! I love the ingredients you use for writing: long walks, no interruptions, and an empty mind. The perfect combination 🙂

  22. Your post is timely, Laurie. Just back from my chiropractor who says I have a bad case of “laptopitis!”

  23. I’m sending this along to several friends with bad hips or backs or even necks. Who knows? Maybe the writing-of-the-world will increase with this new writing ‘tool.’ :+)

  24. Amazing the things that creative minds come up with – squishy buns, blogs, what more could one want? I think my favorite writing tools are quiet time, then a keyboard connected to an elecronic device so my mind can tell my fingers what to say. If I had to handwrite those words, it would not happen because handwriting takes too much time and cannot keep up with the thoughts.

    • CarolAhhhh, quiet time (just typing it makes me feel good), and a keyboard. I have a little 13-inch MacBook Pro that goes with me just about everywhere. The keyboard is full-sized and an absolute pleasure to use 🙂 Like you, if I had to hand write everything thing, my hand wouldn’t be able to keep up with my thoughts (and my hand would get tired pretty darned fast, too)…

  25. Pingback: Elena; Moonrise Kingdom; Oslo, August 31st; and stage play ‘The Caretaker’ by Harold Pinter on Tuesday Morning Diary (May 29) « Wonders in the Dark

  26. Love this!!! Never heard of it. I like to vary my writing space at times. Just perfect! Maybe for office chairs, too.

  27. Oh, and my favorite writing tools? A great pen and notebook. Sometimes sticky notes when I have blasts of ideas at weird times. Guess I’m a tad old fashioned. Think Hemingway, ceiling fans, wine/beer and trying to tailor notes into a theme. 🙂

  28. Reblogged this on AirportsMadeSimple and commented:
    Here’s a great solution when writing remotely!! Genius. Also check out Laurie’s site: “whatever you’re not changing, you’re choosing.”

  29. Pingback: Journey to Writers’ Retreat continued « Ann Marquette

  30. I missed this because I didn’t KNOW you in 2012! I wasn’t even blogging then. So glad I can go back and enjoy some of your oldies but goodies. I think I need a “pair” of these as I begin my memoir in January.

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