The Up Side of Down

Recently I started the early-morning practice of standing on my head. And it’s great (except for the top of my head was getting really sore, not to mention flat)… 

think, Think, THINK

Do you wanna hang around?

Do you wanna hang around?

Of course, an inversion table!

Many people who use an inversion table do so to relieve back and neck pain. But there’s a much wider brushstroke of benefits:

     Stimulates circulation
     Develops balance awareness (great for skydivers, gymnasts, and scuba divers)
     Rejuvenating effects (helps to age gracefully)
     Decongests internal organs
     Increases oxygen to the brain
     Relieves varicose veins
     Promotes an overall sense of wellbeing

Don’t be fooled. Now you’ll know what I really mean if you receive a call from me and I ask, “Do you wanna hang around?”

When was the last time you changed your point of view?

Listen with your heart,

Laurie Buchanan

Whatever you are not changing, you are choosing.”
               — Laurie Buchanan and our Facebook page

37 thoughts on “The Up Side of Down

  1. Brava, Laurie! This position addes a new perspective to your life and increases the blood to your brain, which studies have shown also increase your creativity!

    • Sheila – Good morning, it’s so good to see you here at Speaking from the Heart. I trust you’re enjoying these less sweltering days. This early morning when I was outside I felt the first hint of autumn. The air had a wee bit of a “snap” in it. We’re slowly approaching my favorite time of year 🙂

  2. How long do you ‘hang’ around like that Laurie? I’ve heard about the bennies of using inversion tables but never tried one. I remember standing on my head from my early days with yoga practice but I haven’t done that particular posture in a coons age, and at this point I doubt that I could, without the help of that contraption there. Thanks for the inspiration!!

    • Alison – I hang upside down three times a day (morning, noon, and night), for three minutes each time. At the three minute mark my head feels like an over-ripe tomato that’s about to explode.

  3. I can’t say this positioning will be all that appealing, at least not at the start. I’d have to go all the way back to my high school days to recall when I attempted it, but the health benefits you document are irrefutable. To do it three times a day is a remarkable feat.

    Ah, I’m always changing my point of view, though I’ll admit I usually balk when I see something too daunting to attempt! Ha!

    • Sam – Trust me, the only hard part about hanging upside down is that it puts you in a perfect position for dogs to lick your face mercilessly. Ours think it’s utterly hysterical to try to get their big wet tongues in my ears and nose. With all of your critters, you’d be in the same situation 🙂

  4. We’ve been looking at these for a while now and hearing your thoughts and personal perspective is very helpful.

    As far as changing a point of view, I try to do it at least once a day 🙂

  5. What a cool picture! Do you remember Cheyenne from Gaia? She hangs upside down every day, too. I wish you many new insights from your upside-down view of the world. Change my viewpoint? Sometimes every hour. It’s odd, though. Even though we can be a changeable-viewpoint-type-person, I think there are ways that we refuse to change, or that we are solid and predictable as a rock lying along the beach.

    • Kathy – I sure do remember Cheyenne. I didn’t know she uses an inversion table — GREAT for her 🙂 I would have to agree with you that each of us has the capacity to be flexible — completely willing to change, AND otherwise. Both. I think it boils down to, “What’s in it for me?” In other words, Is the potential outcome positive, uplifting, constructive, and healing? If the answer is yes, than most of us will change–with gusto! Unfortunately, there are times that even that “incentive” is outweighed by fear.

  6. Oh my, what is holding you up there? Something strapped around your ankles? Or are your arms doing all the work? My versa-climber broke, perhaps I should replace it with this contraption since you say it’s good for back pain. I think I can see how it would stretch the back muscles.

    I changed my point of view this morning. Tim tasted our tap water for the first time in 17 years and decided it (city water) tasted much better than it did when we first moved in here. So I decided to taste it and had to agree. Now we can stop buying water in plastic jugs, which will be better for the earth…

    • Barbara – There most definitely is something holding me up by the ankles 🙂 Our inversion table is the “Hang Ups” brand. You may want to do a little snooping online. You could even go to your local sporting goods store and “test drive” one (so to speak).

      I love the earth-friendly change in perspective regarding your tap water that you and Tim are now enjoying (and it’s cost efficient, too)…

  7. I try to be open minded and flexible in my point of view. “You can learn something from everyone regardless of age or background,” my grandfather maintained. “Just open your ears and close your mouth.” I believed him.
    …but…but standing on your head — that’s just wrong. : )

  8. What can I say but what will you think of next, Laurie?!? Always a delight to drop by for your lovely inspiration and ideas. And, indeed, it can be quite revealing and liberating to look at things from an opposite perspective. Thanks for sharing (gotta love this photo)!
    With heart, Daisy

    • Daisy – I’m glad for your visit to Speaking from the Heart today. What you said — “…look at things from an opposite perspective” — called to mind a time many ago when I was on a debate team. Our instructor insisted that we be able to not only effectively articulate our own stance, but be able to do the same for the opposite point of view as well. She wanted each of us to be able to “get into the heads” of the “opposition,” feeling that was the mark of a truly fine debator.

  9. I like to say I try to change my perspective every minute and adapt to the relationship, situation, change or event. As you say, fear and also perspective of what and how much to change/adjust is key. Complete change of direction is more dramatic, as I well know this year!

    I really this could be a modality of interest at Hollessence as well. I might even try it, with a Scopalamine patch on of course, motion sickness, just in case.

    Hummmmm…..a new marketing campaign,

    Hanging out at Holessence…..

    • Terrill – The cool thing about an inversion table is I don’t have to worry about keeping my balance — it does it for me. If I bent over and looked between my legs for too long I’d probably topple over 🙂

  10. After my 93 year old mum fractured her back and they found she was bone on bone everywhere, the PT put her on the inversion table once a week and it just gave her more life and energy right up to her death a year later – I think it kept her in touch with life…she wanted to vote for a woman for President and liked Clinton – that was her only regret as she died 5 months too soon – but she was connected to the issues and ideas.

    I am changing my perspective with plantar fasciitis – wow it just captures your whole mind and spirit with it’s pain, then again I am discovering new things about myself which are very good indeed. 😉

    I am also doing a series of exercises 5 times a day and finding some good pain relief from taking charge rather than taking pill.

    Nice picture

    • Patricia – It sounds like you had an amazing mom 🙂 I’m so glad you’ve shifted your perspective as it relates to plantar fasciitis. Taking charge rather than taking a pill is a self-empowering approach — you go, girl!

  11. Seems odd, but I have a very sane mate who sometimes does it too, using the same sort of apparatus – and he vouches for it.

  12. Greetings from the Grand Tetons of Wyoming, Laurie! I changed my point of view a few days ago when Jonathan and I came up here for a four-day visit. I now am viewing my existence from the perspective of the wildlife. To some, I am a curiosity. To others, I am a threat. To a few select species, I am their next meal (think grizzly bear). We went fly fishing on the Snake River yesterday (catch and release with no barbed hooks allowed), yet I still apologized each time I caught a fish for playing such a game. I didn’t care a whit about whether I caught something. Mostly, I cared that I was offering fake food to the fish in an effort to lure them to me. I doubt that I would partake in such an activity in the future. Catch and eat, yes. Live bait, yes. Honesty and playing fair seem to be my new point of view these days.

    • Barbara K. – You’re in Wyoming and Sandi’s in Washington D.C. — I sure wish the timing had been different 🙂 But both of you are having a fantastic time. I love the wildlife perspective you shared, and the final conclusion: Play Fair. I’ll be looking forward to seeing your photographs.

      • I know . . . I had a long talk with Sandi about her crappy timing! I hope she has a good time so she will come back sometime when I am there.

      • Barbara K. – I’ll betcha a dollar to a donut that Sandi wi’ll make a point of swinging back up to your neck of the woods when you’re not globe trotting. By the way, I see you’ve got a fresh post out there and I intend to indulge myself with a good look at it this weekend 🙂

    • Ann – It’s not as bad as it looks (as long as you don’t go past the 3-minute mark — after that it feels like your head’s an over-ripe tomato that going to burst)…

      • Sounds like it is better for you, the one doing it than for me looking at the pic of you doing it 🙂 really does make me feel dizzy looking at it!!! Ok I am a woos…he he he!

  13. Pingback: Musical Countdown, Final 7 Pre-Coders, The Help, Sholem Aleichem and Buster Keaton on Monday Morning Diary (August 15) « Wonders in the Dark

  14. Hi holessence! Have you tried various brands of inversion tables? I only tried the Teeter Hang Ups. And is there any retail store that carry these tables? I’ve only seen inversion tables sold online.

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